Karene Arundell

Sinjin is right.

You're right! Shannon! That's it. I think you're right about LOST being game-changing in terms of killing off characters you assume to be safe. I remember Boone's death being surprising, too - it was a head's up, like "Don't think your favourite character is safe. Just letting you know now."

Oh yeah, I agree. A show fan told me the other day they were about to binge-watch the current series and were already anxious about who would be killed off.

Yeah. I'm still fairly sure that will be Jaime, not Tyrion.

I loved, and still love, my John Locke.

I was shocked when Maggie died. I think that was her character name - the one that Michelle Rodriguez's character shoots.

Point taken. I keep saying I should try new foods. Turtle for dinner it is. (Raw turtle's the way to go, apparently.)

Yeah, I'm also a fan of the show and I admit the possibility of this happening is really unlikely. It's that hopeful little softie in me that's still trying to hope for the best in a show that can sometimes be great. So I'm pretty sure Glenn will escape via scrambling under the dumpster. The other theorizing is more

Nah… misogynist? Really? It's not a vibe I get from the show at the very least.

Game of Thrones is as close as it gets to this mantra. Having said that, you can't help but feel that Jon Snow, Daenerys and Cersei are probably safe until the very, very end at least. And Tyrion.

The comment about using the turtle as a weapon was a joke. I, too, had a little half-hope in my heart that the turtle would be a reminder to Enid of the beauty of life or something… even while knowing it probably wouldn't go that way.

Well, people get pretty invested in their shows.

I need to release my inner arrogant douchebag here and state I called it on TWD dudes NOT returning to Glenn this week. I just knew they had to fuck with us. I'm actually still too pissed off to even feel like this is gloating, in spite of a) this particular episode being a good one and b) my excitement about the

First up… Josh and Alex and this podcast, where have you been all my life?

The abrupt, weird way Carol came out with this comment… are we supposed to think that this is part of Suzie Homemaker's persona ("she's a nice lady but boy does she hate smoking"), or did she just let the facade slip a bit? The comment came out quite harshly in a blunt-Carol voice, with a violence that surprised

Oh no really? Is this insider knowledge based on the graphic novel or….?

And maybe drop a hint that Alexandria isn't quite the haven it's made out to be? Still undecided on that one.

I was surprised that Nicholas opted for this… until, yes, I saw his eyes check out. That was some incredible acting. It's probably one of the best portrayals of PTSD in a popular television show I've seen. It's a normal person's response to such a situation. (Don't get me wrong, though, I could watch Morgan kick arse

I'm glad the reviewer brought up a lot of the things he did… things I've had gripes with for a while, but felt like I was in the minority because they weren't mentioned.

"I can smell dog on you, Will."
(Alana enters and stands beside Will.)
"EVERYONE can smell wet dog on him, Hannibal. It's been raining for days and my office REEKS of wet dog from the last time I saw Will."
(Chilton rushes in blindly) "Alana, the cleaners said they can get the stank out of the place, but it's gonna cost…