Karene Arundell

I'm pretty sure Richard E Grant himself wants to show up somewhere, either in GoT or just SOMETHING. (I like Richard E Grant as an actor, but he does have - as Lady Olenna would say - a high opinion of himself.)

Those Faith Militant nuts smashed all the boards up. I'd guess if GoT was set in modern day, they wouldn't be big chess fans.

Loved the High Sparrow and Cersei scene - which was very close to the book portrayal. I felt horrified by the state I found Sansa in. Bruised and battered and locked up… I really didn't want her going down the fArya path. Though I do think that Sansa hasn't given up, and I do believe Sansa will literally physically

re: above - you're right, I do agree your opinions are interesting, and I'd much rather read them straight off then have to scroll through a lot of one-liners to get to them. Perhaps the way to go is to search for the posters whose comments I like for each review - will look out for more of yours in the future for

Well, you disagreed with me on one point, so that's enough for a discussion. (There were tonnes of will-they-won't-they moments between Gilly and Sam last season that were ripe for a sex scene, then just faded away. Why not then, instead of now during an episode overwhelmed with action already?)

re: the "Sort by Best" filter: Am I the only person who's getting a little tired of having to scroll through pages of puns before we get to an actual discussion of the show? Amusing at first, yeah, but if you're a regular reading these reviews it becomes arduous. It's like a pissing contest between who can come up

It was a little dispiriting, but I think the main point came across nicely and hit very cleanly: if extreme religious faith is your secret weapon (with a dash of external charisma thrown in), you are indeed a very, very scary character.

I heard a spoiler before this series started that "Bronn gets poisoned". So, yeah, maybe.

Particularly considering this is a scene where Sansa loses her virginity, something she miraculously kept intact whilst around sadistic Joffrey and horny Tyrion.

Wow. OK, I've seen it now, and there better be a hell of a lot of justification for that scene with Sansa… but honestly I don't think there will be. I'll hand one thing to the producers - never before have I thought about the importance of Sansa's virginity. As a highborn girl, it's an important thing to possess; and

You know what? As a book reader… I have no idea and you may very well be right. Everything is so different now - and ahead of the books - that it's difficult to have a clue. There's almost no reason for having a newbies and experts edition.

What did you expect to see, doctuar?

I haven't seen it yet. I skimmed the review here and comments first. I don't usually do that. I think it shows I'm holding out less hope for the show than I ever did before.

I thought that horn was a fake? Could be wrong. And yes it was awesome seeing Valyria - who knows if GRRM will ever take us there in the books.

He did drop the ball in the books, though, when Roose observes that fArya better not be walking around with "that expression" on her face.

Yeah, I got the vibe that Sam will be moving to Old Town.

I agree with this. They should have swapped the actors.

"Sansa and Reek interacting"…. more like tortuously awkward banter.

Which, if this was a storyline in the books, he would have done…

Oh, yeah, I mean I still think it's a shitty idea. But especially from a character perspective. Littlefinger's obsession with Sansa would prevent him from leaving her in uncertain hands. Actually his very nature doesn't trust uncertainty. For all his talk about being a gambling man, Littlefinger gambles very little