Karene Arundell

So, so, so true and possibly my favourite scene of this series so far.

It is from that. It is also the glory and tragedy of Pod's life.

Yeah, it moved at break-neck speed, didn't it? Hmmm.

Oh, I think Margaery is cunning. And not a virgin. But her strength, and the Tyrell strength, comes from being quiet when they should. The dirty work (killing Joffrey) is handled by someone else while they come out smelling like roses. (Sorry.)

The fact that the marriage is consummated changes a lot of the power dynamic. We're also getting a lot more references in the show to Cersei being the FORMER Queen than in the books. However books-wise, most of Cersei from this point on is from HER POV, so we don't know how the rest of Westeros views her, except to

A beautiful, graceful, merman. He likes having his head patted. But you gotta do it right.

Yeah. Even in that scene you could see that she had to change her tune when praising what the Targaryens built by uttering some Joffrey-ism like severity being the price to pay for achievement. Margaery is an adept people-reader. Which is why baiting Cersei in this episode seemed a bit… stupid.

(Same author as Bekazzled, disqus is playing up)

Don't remember that line either.

I didn't remember the line either. That fuss over "Only Cat" was ridiculous. I guarantee a fellow newbie watcher would have talked over that scene, asking, "What did he say? Only who?" as Lysa was falling through the moon door. And I would have to rewind it and sigh over the ruined ending as I explained the short,

It wasn't in the show. And as I watched this episode with newbies, I can tell you those who haven't read the books don't seem to remember his story arc before he appeared at The Wall.

I LOVED Thorne's facial responses during this scene. I rewatched it to make sure. I've never seen the actor show such range, subtly done (especially when his name is called and his new position is called out).

Which reminds me of Sansa's bathtub scene in the trailer.

Yeah. "The North is harsh and cold!" We get it.

Agree. I don't really like the way they've done this.

I didn't notice that. But Littlefinger's lisp annoyed me since it appeared at the beginning of Season 2. No one else seemed to notice the actor had some work done (definitely veneers or something).

Hmmm, interesting point. I think people are so used to Sansa being abused and leched over by older men that it might seem "OK". Which it's not.

Afternoon Delight!

Actually I gasped out loud when this happened. "Tommen's too young!" Yep, I found it uncomfortable.

I really, really hope this is true. Because this felt like an honest exposition scene. And the writers have dropped the ball with Littlefinger before. Remember the first episode of Season 2 when he baits Cersei and she threatens to have his throat slit? "Oh, wait, I've changed my mind… POWER is power." Not to mention