Karene Arundell

Yeah, that's what it meant. I didn't even laugh out loud. I thought, "oh, they're playing that card," with disappointment, thinking "they can't wrap up this redneck angle within the next episode". Somehow, reading the review here made me a little angrier and slightly confused (not the reviewer personally) - if the

Exactly! I'd momentarily forgotten the impact of Sophia's death on him. He was determined to find her to the point that it almost ruined him. His character is one that has found loyalty among good people, and he's decided to stick with these people. The Sophia story line and following episodes show that, if anything,

Thanks! And true, it's not just Cersei's absence that made Jaime what he is becoming (an "almost honourable man", I guess, pushing children from windows aside). King's Landing kept Jaime in the happy bubble he was in; and certainly not a place where he was at risk of having his hand cut off or given horse urine

Afraid I'm with Jack on this one. Yes, The Walking Dead is of a different genre, dealing with more make-believe stuff than The Wire. (Which I'm also about to watch. How funny. It's been next on my list of "Shows I must Watch" alongside Hannibal. I'm getting sick of friends berating me for still not having seen The

Yeah, I'm back into the schedule of watching it without commercials. It's a lot better, and I watched season 2 without commercials and really enjoyed it. I actually felt that, as a series, it was arguably the most solid of all of TWD series. Shane as a kind of antagonist felt actually tense and the series felt

Exactly. It's pretty much the equivalent of him choosing between a family he's known for years and loves and a bunch of random rednecks he just met who like to beat each other up. I'm sure watching a bit of real-life wrestling would have its highlights, but I can see NO WAY that two days would even slightly alter his

Couldn't agree more - most striking aspect of the episode I thought. "Why include this storyline in the first place?"

I'm usually an apologist, but I have to say, the Darryl storyline isn't working for me. It just feels like he ran into a group of rough hillbillies and is just survivin' until he gets somewhere else. They're not especially interesting hillbillies. I also can't see how they'll turn into semi-major characters - more

Agree. The idea that Carol killed those ill people at the prison seemed to mask a more obvious truth - that Lizzie did it, and Carol is protecting her. By making this original idea to be the real truth, after all, is yet another unexpected reveal. Without reading the comics, I can also say that from the mid-series

I deliberately haven't read Zack's review yet (something I have to refrain from eagerly doing before I've seen the episode here in Australia) but I went in expecting a slack episode. Or more specifically, given the picture at the top of the page, a "catch up on everyone" episode which I'm glad they've abandoned.

Yeah. At first I thought, "You're just leaving him there?" But I'm pretty sure if the guy had enough life in him to explain where to head (Terminus), he'd have enough strength to add, "Help a bro out and kill me before you head off, Si?" Maybe some people prefer to die sobbing over the corpse of their best friend.

Yeah, Maisie Williams child actors definitely don't grow on trees. ("No, my lord. Anyone can be killed." - somehow said coldly and meaningfully, without cheese.) But Judith shouldn't have died, different to the comics or not. Baby = glimpse at hope. Dead baby = misery porn, especially when so many others have already

I think that they'll end up at a fairly functional military base that is probably high occupied and very different to the situation where the crew briefly dropped in at the Disease Control Center (or whatever it was called). And then the enemy will be the military.

True, and though we know life inside isn't necessarily safer (Herschel's farm, Woodbury, the prison) - THEY don't know that. Geez, at least build some treehouses or something.

Nah, it turns out they kill the Governor and then chain Zombie Governor to boards as a scarecrow on Rick's farm. The birds that peck at him pick up the zombie virus, then we have zombie birds infiltrating the prison. Meanwhile, in a cemetery in another place, we see a fist punch its way through the dirt. Zombie

It seemed to me that his feet were ensnared at the bottom of the lake in something. I think we're supposed to believe that Zombie Mike is being given the Governor's new mafia version of the feet-in-cement, sleepin'-with-the-fishes treatment. Zombie Mike's hand-flailing is standard zombie body language for "I want - me

Wow, I admire optimism, but in its extreme form it can be dissociated from reality.

I had a similar response (more emotional) but directed towards Tennant - I'd forgotten how much I missed him. More so in retrospect. The Day of The Doctor was so intricate, well-executed and perfectly cast it exceeded my expectations even for a 50th Anniversary episode, where you know there's both the budget and the

Damn right it was! I can't even hear the word "November" without thinking of Movember. Might as well change all our calendars.

"Her heart was heavy - but no less so than her breasts, which were dragging dispiritedly through the sands of Mereen. It was all Daenerys could do to keep from tripping over her pendulous nipples, damaged by a heat her dragon-blood would not allow her to feel. "If only I could stop walking, stop moving forward," she