
Well...that's nothing new. They've always aimed for shitty games and easy money. It's too hard to do for 360 and ps3 and not make money on it. Why not do the wii...those idiots gamers will buy anything EA shove out. That's what he's telling gamers. Are you going to take that? Are you dumb enough to buy crappy wiiware

I haven't finish one final fantasy game in my life...I'm trying to finish crisis core, but haven't got very far. SSF is so overated...I don't see what the fuss is about and I think SquareEnix should think about making some other good games. How the hell are they surviving on FF I don't know.

If it's midnight club los angeles, why does it have japanese handwriting on it. They must think it's cool.

Talk about EA trying to change their image and make themselves not sound like an asshole but they can't help it, their foot is always in their mouth. It's just in their nature to be lazy and trying to make a buck at the same time. They spend all their money on how to get money out of gamers without actually doing the

I think they couldn't afford to hire actors for motion captures so they went and use the same damn move they had for the first mortal combat...which back then they animated those by hand. All the characters have the samn damn moves and even superman busting through wall are probably the same damn wall which loops

I'm tired of the umbrella corporation blunders and coverups resulting in thousands and millions of lives lost. Isn't the goverment doing anything about this or are they just going to sweep it under the rug. I'm ready for a government that will make a difference. This is unacceptable!!!

If they can't be bother to develop for the ps3 who cares...good riddance. Just they don't make any money from ps3 owners...if they're OK with it. I'm ok with it. Plenty of games out there.

So you are telling me that kryptonite is available to all the fighters making it even with superman? That's absurd. Like someone said, why do superman even fight, he can just fly and no one can touch him. Already this game doesn't make any sense.

All the fighting games seem to have matured somehow, but mortal combat still looks unnatural. I mean look at those kicks, they look like they stick a foot horizontally as if they don't have a knee joint. That's ridiculous given this day and age. And why the hell does batman have the same move as scorpion. Someone got

@Eltigro: The desk only has 3 side support, the other end is open so you can sit on a chair. Museum piece is don't play on fragile surface and piano is don't play on surface that scratches easily. Cinder block is don't play on dangerous object buecause you might be pissed and throw it at someone while playing.

It'll probably be hard, but not impossible. I mean when I was growing up, our family was poor, my brother and I had a bunk bed and my sister got her own bed...in the same room. Yeah...that's how bad it was. So kids should really stop complaining when they don't get their own room. Somewhere...someone is having a much

In a hot dusty environment, they should add a fan to that pack. Let's see how MS is going to ship out the RROD on this when it does go out. They'll have to hire Blackwater to deliver these...not a bad strategy on blackwaters part, they'll make tons of money.

Errr...that is not a victorian desk, it's a cinder block. Someone didn't read their manual.

Though I don't think they will go out of business, maybe they should stop pissing off the people that actually pays for their paycheck, US gamers. I mean there's so much hate for EA because they just doing all the wrong things. Making crappy madden games, charging 1.99 for shit that should have come with the

To tell you the truth I been meaning to try out MGO but I haven't even done that yet. Why, because I already got a psn ID why do I have to make another ID. Konami should really put it on the PSN, this is bullshit what they're doing. They think they can blackmail people into playing on their server only and maybe they

It makes sense realy. The people that were going to get this game has already gotten it at full price. Time to pull in the skeptics with a sale. I remember that happening with Snake Eater, Devil May Cry and probably other titles. I check my local Fry's store every week alsmost. And this week when I went to Fry's, for

I'm not sure if they did such a good job on the wii...perhaps they did such a crappy job on the 360, that you can't tell that much difference from the wii.

In the 21st century...war has changed, gaming has changed. Snake, your mission is to get these 360s and guitar to the troops. This is a sneaking mission so don't interact unless you have to.

Hahaha...I remember playing practical joke in school. Had some of those stink bomb in a glass tube. There's this math teacher we all hate. After the period was over, I manage to put some under each student desk so that when the next period students sat down it would crack it and make a horrible smell. Well...it was

Damn..all these capcom remakes are making money off of me. I just got 1942 and looks like bionic commando is already sold. I can't wait for this one. I've been testing out quite a few demos this weekend and I've already made up my mind to buy a few of them. I'll wait for soul calibur...not sure if it's my type of game