
@candygirl_fangirl: I dont' know if I like the 5 times rule. I think I used up 3 or 4 times on some of the games I have for the ps3. Used 2 times on it when my ps3 was stolen, and a couple more times when I had to wipe out my ps3 because warhawk update corrupted my ps3 and such. So on some game, I only have 1 more

I saw the video of gears of war2 yesterday. That has got to be the stupidest video I've seen. The building falls to it's side, and they rode the elevator sideways. First, how can you, wouldn't the elevator cord be pulled off the building. Besides, there's no counter weight on it how can it even move the elevator. Oh

@FlimFlaminus: Exactly, you already paid for your internet service why should you pay again to be able to play online game. That is got to be one of the biggest crime MS is committing against their users but many are blinded and accept it as being normal fees. It just doesn't make sense if your a computer user, that'w

Eh..not impressed. Not like it hasn't been done before...and what's up with all the human exploding when you shoot it?

I hate the way the characters look, but this game looks pretty damn fun.

The more I watch this game...the more I don't like it. At first I thought it was beautiful, but the demo look all washed up. Also, this is like some kind of extreme running sport. Where's the story. I'll pass

I must say that I've been neglecting warhawk for a while now. Now that MGS4 is finished, I guess I can go back to warhawk. What I don't like about it is that warhawk takes a great amount of time. Once you play, you can't put it down. If I'm going to start it again...I gotta have some rules else I'd be sleeping at work.

The video qualtiy on this thing can't be any good. below dvd at best. When you stream video off your pc to your tv is not that great as it is, what more over an internet connection. I don't care who puts it out, wheter it's ms or sony, I wouldn't PAY for anything less than hidef.

I love a good game with a good story, Some of these games I haven't played before. I think I'll take down some notes and maybe check these out, and maybe even purchase them.

@Plan303e: Aren't you a little harsh. Music playing is fine on the psp and is easily navigated as any other mp3 player, better even in my opinion. You can't beat video, music, and game for that price. There's no devicce out there that's that cheap and that good. I don't know what the complaint is. If you buy a

Oh man...I think sony is doing that just to piss off the people with hacked firmware. You know...so they can't keep up. But who cares about some visuals. Maybe some new funtionality.

MGS3 and 4 for me. I mean I didn't actually cry, but was getting tense in the face and about let it go.

Aren't they in Canada? I heard dental is much cheaper than the US...the poor guy is not getting paid enough to fix his teeth. I might go up there and fix my teeth...it's pretty bad.

Well I know I didn't get that special Metal Gear exclusivee thing they have at Gamestop and opted for the regular MGS when it came out in stores. I'm not going to go get something if I have to get it at one place only. I like to have choices. I don't really care if the game is exclusive or not, but I don't want to buy

This kid is awesome. I mean kids these days have a ton of toys bought for them, they don't know how to be creative. I remember back in my country I never get toys and had to make my own. Out of clay, wood, bamboo, whatever there's around. I make marbles and cars out of clay, I make toy planes from egg cartons, and

Yeah yeah...scott wins...congrat...I didn't enter, but I'd like to comment that the "the winnner is..." girl is nice looking, volumptous. Though if she was bald she'd be weird looking.

no demo, no buy. I guess I'm the boss.

Hey man what is up with this trublood advertising? It's all up in my face. So intrusive. I don't think I ever seen it that bad on kotaku.

What's the point of playing this. Do you learn anything from it. I wouldn't mind a Rachel Ray cooking show...easy on the eys and you might learn to cook something.

That thing had a life of it's own. It was either you or "it". Because like the goblin, it would have taken over and make you do crazy stuff. Spiderman has one less enemy now.