You know..after having my ps3 stolen and other stuff as well, I'd be pissed too if I witness someone stealing my things. I'm not going to go down easy, and I might be in the headlines too if I witness it myself.
You know..after having my ps3 stolen and other stuff as well, I'd be pissed too if I witness someone stealing my things. I'm not going to go down easy, and I might be in the headlines too if I witness it myself.
I was thinking he was going to say one of the game was Jade Raymond...I mean assassin's creed.
Hahah...that's hillarious. And the car drives like shit.
Where in the post that it says it voids the one said that how come everyone is commenting about voiding warranties. I'm glad I didn't update mine yet. Hadn't got home to do it :) Looks like I'll hold off on it. Like I said, from now on. Lets not rush ino things. Update later, buy games later and you can…
Awww...the poor theif didn't know he was stealing from a handicapped person. If only they knew they would not have done it there. They would skip that house and get the ps3 from the kid next door who isn't handicapped. Fuck this, what is this? It doesn't matter who the theif steals from, It's just wrong to steal…
I wrote you guys how my home was broken into a year or so back and very simular stories. Missing ps3, plasma tv, jewelry. You guys didn't post my sad story. Granted I'm not crippled but still was a sad day of my life. Anyway...hope this guy gets a new ps3.
@tehflyingwombat: Let us know if the usb hub works, because I'm thinking no. Windows will install the proper drivers for extra usb...but will the ps3 OS recognize more usb ports from hubs?
@SmooveRN: The fact that console don't have 200+gig or 1tb IS a big deal. I don't mind it too much becuase it improves speed and I got a 60gig anyway, but my HD on a ocmputer total 1.5Tb so that's a vast difference.
You could have titled that "Steam didn't get cockblocked by GameCock"
Very disappointing. I thought this was DOA dodgeball or atleast featured Pamela Anderson, but...nada. *fail*
If Hollywood can't do it, what makes some low budget voice actors think he can?
I don't know about that chainsaw gun...seems like a dangerous weapon to use...for yourself I mean. You can cut yourself with that. Is there sa safety switch. How do you power the chainsaw, how long does the battery last on that thing. Where do you charge it in the battlefield? Is it gas or electric? Cause than you…
Come on can do it!!! Do it right for the ps3 please. I've been waiting forever for a proper sega racer. Rally was not a good experience for me...too floaty.
damn it..when is wipeouthd and bionic commando rearm coming out. Just finished metal gear...please don't make me play my gta4.
So is the button in the middle of dpad for decoration or is there a function. Is that the start button. Hell I'd be piss if I pause the game everytime I try to use the controls. Fail for me, it's too long.
It's like gradius with boobs...I wish this was a ps3. Looks great. I guess a point for the 360.
Needs editing, I agree, but the game is fun, and and I like the cutscenes. It has a good story, it just tries to explain too hard. I enjoyed it, that's all that matters to me. I can't say the same for the other xxx4 games out there.
Oh man...what's 3 weeks time considering we've been waiting for this forever. 3 weeks is nothing. All sounds pretty cool, I'd like to organize my game better too now that I got a boatload of DL games. Oh and I'd like for them to correct the corrupt file in my game save data...I can't even delete that crap off my ps3.
Somehow I don't see it making a lot of money on this...A lot of gamers can't afford phones and a lot of phone users don't want a gaming device. I mean how would it look in the workplace. I would love a psp phone, but it's bad news for sony if they go through with it. Look at the PSP itself, because it can do so many…
@cornpopsicle: Come on...we say what it looks like....I mean look at it. Are we lying?!?