@Kanik: I don't know about faster loading...games that requires loading on the fly seem to suffer like god of war and gta...even in "turbo" mode.
@Kanik: I don't know about faster loading...games that requires loading on the fly seem to suffer like god of war and gta...even in "turbo" mode.
I don't know what's he's complaining about music storage...I got a crap load of music on my 8gig card. And what about umd?...that's proprietary just like nintendo ds cartrige...at least microSD is somewhat more popular and an alternative that people have with psp. I think sony went with umd because they want to…
That guy looks like the artist formerly known as Prince rather than solid snake.
I don't care...I'm sick of Madden and I want alternative. I say sue away beer drinking football playing madden hating guys....you are america!
@s0nlxaftrsh0ck: Yeah, you create a new user account on the ps3, then you sign up just like the us account, except it's in japanese writing. So unless you know japanese you better google for a help on what screen to fill in what info. You'll need a new email address, can't use same one to register. Then there's the…
You know when I saw this game I thought it was a lot better looking than some games out there. But I just can't get over how stupid the story is. Maybe it's one of those games where you just don't care, play for the action and to hell with story.
I'll donload the demo, but I'll probably wait to see what wipeouHD is like before getting either one of them....it looks too similar to be getting both. 30bucks...hmmm.
If it has since been redesigned, how come there are still 360 failing. Are they saying there's no bad batch out there? I mean I might want to invest in a 360, but I have no idea if I'm going to get a good one and I'm not taking any risk. Unless there's a way for me to identify it, I'm not buying it. Would like to know…
Loks like MS is putting out some good effort to gain Japanese audience. Sony better stop sitting on their asses too long or MS is going to catch up with them in Japan. I'll have to give MS thumbsup for trying this hard.
Think of it as a shooting game, but it doesn't blow up or spew blood or make a bang. It just captures the object(image). I think I can buy something like this at a game price. We'll have to see how extensive the animals are...and of course it's educational...what is the price of education?
Look, a kid will think anything is thrilling. You on the other hand have higher standards...and because of that, you will not like this movie. I saw it on release date here in the states, was sold out and everything. It was a huge hit to many people. But to me, I was disappointed. I've seen the previous indiana jones…
The real system seller will be MGS4
You know what I'd definitely listen to what she has to say...I mean that's why they got her. I don't kinow who the lady is, but she got my attention. And that's doing her job.
I know how to solve your cat problem. Put it in the car...drive real far...and just let it go...come back home.
I thought they change the video so it was more grayish as oppose to sepia...why is this video looking like the older video. I know kotaku posted the comparision between early footage and later footage. This look like the early footage.
Oh man...that was good. I guess some people don't get it.
To many americans...war is about the good guys (america) vs the bad guys (whoever they fight). But war to the people that are actually doing the fighting or living in a war torn country it's way different. I'm a person who fled to america because of war, and famine. Although I love america, it's not about good guys vs…
she's talking...and all of a sudden she fizzle and disappear. an nvida dude comes out and says that wasn't her, it's their new holographic display system. everyone peas in thier pants.
I do care about the resolution of the game, we all know they lie on the box so that has to come from another source. We can't know unless someone publish that for us. Like I said...from now on, after mgs4, I will buy games 1 week after release, to me it's more important to have a good, bugfree game than have it first.…
They can't even make a trailer look good...that was bad graphics....what more the actual game.