
Dude..where have you been, just now watching a bluray?...Thought you were more hitech than that. Get yourself some Diehard...it's pretty on bluray. I can't tell the difference between HDDVD and bluray. I don't think movies on bluray exceed capacities of HDDVD, so probably bluray movies have a lot of extra space on

Maybe Matt Daemon was right...movies aren't the same as games. I agree kids shouldn't play mature games. But I don't agree that "dad" can't play it also. I mean the game is for adults and a kid should not question why an adult can't play adult games. Don't let them get their hands on it. That's why there are parental

Boy do I feel sorry for 360 owners....I just bought a 1TB drive for 180. That's 10 times the storage for same price. GeezuZ Crhist!!!! Talk about getting Fudd UP!!

@RTW: If I were to kill your mother right now, you would be satisfied if I was just put in prison for the rest of my life? If it was me....I'd not only want the death penalty, I want to pull the trigger too, with pleasure.

The problem with FPS and games like this, the view is fixed. When you turn left it's left and up is up, making you really dizzy if you turn too fast. The human eyes doesn't act the same way...it's more like a really smart auto stabilizing lense...even smart camera with auto stabilizer can't beat the human eyes. This

I would buy this game if it was a third person, but Fird (first/third) person....I can't get used to it. I don't like first person too much...gives me a headache.

@Stormrider: People learn to walk one step at a time, first hardware, then software will come. Earlier posts shows more percentage of ps3 titles are quality games than the 360...follow by the wii in shovelware.

Kotaku love to be a trouble maker. And when we start to fight you guys start banning us. You are as much to blame as anyone. Besides, if we were't so passionate about what we beleive in, you wouldn't have any readers and you would suck and fade into nothing. Luckily banning just causes people to create new accounts :)

@KillerBee: That's what I don't get too...with all the ammenities of prison, who needs vacation. Who wouldn't want to be there? Shoot if I have cancer or soemthing I'd kill someone just to get free healthcare...it's a fucked up system. Maybe the lady didn't think the law could do anything for her that's why she took

Loading wasn't too bad...only when loading vehicle, that was bad. But still a very enjoyable game. Talk about load time, what is up with GTA4 load screen. It plays some stupid pictures at the beginning for a few minutes before it starts loading....I swear, my hard drive light is not even moving when they're displaying

I got this game...the examples were good...but there's a crap load more that's way too "big", making the puzzle look mighty small on my 47 inch TV. They don't have a zoom option...I guess it wouldn't make sense to have zoom, it would block the solution. So unless you have at least 47 inch...or maybe 42 inch...I don't

Wow, dumb move on the lady, taking his stuff, should have let the law handle that. It's terrible thing...He should get what he deserve. The chair with the rest of his friends.

@NullsRevenge: There's nothing wrong being a business worried about their stocks. It makes them strive to do better. I say EA acts more like a dictatorship. One sole ownership so you have to get what they give you. That is why there is no incentive to do better in a communist society. What you do has no reward.

Nintendo wii gave my son cancer....tonight at 10 on FOX!!!

It's a real shame...I want midway to succeed. But they haven't made any games I want to play. And I'm already not buying NBA Baller:chosen one or whatever they call it...just not interested in it.

I would not buy the iron man game. Besides kids, I don't see who can enjoy this game. It kind of sucks.

The nintendo DS just bought itself, hopped in a car, drove to her house and possessed her kids. Really, don't buy your kids those things when they're that young. I don't know if I would give my kids those. I'll have to think about it when I do have one. My kids are not going to be spoiled with all kinds of toys. They

Has there been any improvements for madden Franchise? There you have it your honor, I rest my case.