
I know! It's, like, sooooo, like, weird that different situations are different.

It's pretty telling that the only way they can get all those false rape accusations they whine about is to manufacture them themselves.

Ran into Target last night to grab some food on the way home. And by food, I mean I box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese (yes, I eat like a toddler.)

I really don't know what I was expecting. Not.. that.

a liberal utopia of weirdness and character or a bubbling cesspool of sin and filth

I agree.

Ah fat talk. It's terrible...if skinny women do it. But fatty fat women need to be told they're fat all the time until they're not fat. I'm just worried about your health.

HAHA, no dude, no you never did.

The man is walking sex... as I drool on my keyboard...*sigh

I had three mice that were awesome. They would run over my shoulder and then hide in my shirt pocket and poke their little noses out. I really gained a respect for them when one of them became very ill. He went blind and then could only walk in circles. The other two would actually come over to him and sandwich

He is a pretty, pretty man. I lurves it!

My mouth just watered a little.

Oh, I know. I like Neil a lot, really, but I'm TeamHook on this one. Daayum. (Two syllable damn. That's how much I like this.)

Robin Hood was not a fox, however.

Just get rid of frats altogether. Let colleges be for learning.

A non-gendered approach that advises EVERYONE, and not just women, to drink responsibly is what's necessary, and that doesn't happen. The United States has a major drinking culture. Drinking is an integral part of socializing and dating. People who don't drink are viewed with suspicion and as weirdos (I speak from

I'm really conflicted about this because on the one hand, I agree that it is smart to take safe measures. I walked with my keys in my hand, I have a buddy system at bars, I don't accept drinks I haven't watched be poured or that aren't from someone I know. I don't get drunk often and when I do it is in "safe

It is blaming the victim because it actually has nothing to do with it. Women drink all the time and don't get raped. The only time they do get raped is when there's a rapist around.

If the SMART campaign had taken out the references to rape, it would be a great anti-binge-drinking campaign. But instead, it was about protecting yourself from rape. It didn't target potential rapists, even though drinking also raises your risk of raping someone, nor did it target bystanders. And it tells women to

I think the thing is, we all have been told time and time again how to reduce our risk. We know not to get too drunk, we know to watch our drink, we know to stay in groups, we know not to walk home alone. In fact, most of us have spent years modifying our behavior to avoid these situations. It's not prevention- it's