I'm cool with this
Girls at my middle school never did pull ups. We did "chin curls" wherein Mr. Holtus would help us jump up until we were holding the bar with our chins above the bar, then he would let go and we had to try to hold that position for as long as possible. Every single year I dropped the second he let go. Until my last…
How foolish of me, buying this hideous Acer laptop capable of running all my video games but which miraculously didn't break my bank account. Clearly that wasn't what I really needed in a computer. How the hell have I been getting along without a pink, bedazzled one on which to do all my *alien killing and world…
But surprisingly tasty.
I tried making chocolate hummus tonight. It was a recipe I found a couple days ago. Chickpeas, evaporated milk, cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, and some vanilla. The taste is great, but the texture is somehow...dry. Like, it's the right consistency, but somehow the very tiny bean bits that weren't pureed seem…
Nerd Girl problem - I treated myself to Dragon Age: Origin on Steam, and it's taking *forever* to download. I'm so impatient. I want to create my Human Rogue, dammit.
That sounds amazing! We need more people like your mom in the world. And more programs like hers. That was part of the problem, where we were there was *nothing* in terms of specialized education to that degree. My mom ended up homeschooling my brother until they could get him into a public school district the…
Ugh, the local school district here was AWFUL. My parents filed a complaint against them, which they won. Which actually turned out to be a bad thing, because the consequences for the school district were basically nonexistent, it was a slap on the wrist that they could easily ignore. And because we won the…
I made it about 30 seconds before I started crying. My baby brother is autistic. (And by baby I mean 21 yrs old). He just graduated college, which he attended on a full ride scholarship, where he double majored in computer science and math. He now makes more than my parents combined, after only a couple months of…
Can someone sum up the gist of the Not His Binders link? The server is apparently over capacity.
It's things like this that make me so grateful to work for the corporation I do. I wear zero makeup, 99% of the time my hair is just down after air drying, and occasionally it's still damp by the time I get to work. As long as I dress business casual and run a comb through my hair if we have clients in building, no…
Yeah. I mean, it wasn't straight data entry anyway. A big part of the job was reading handwritten comments and typing them. It feels like cryptology at times. But it gets monotonous suuuper fast. I will be dealing with data from the other end after the big P goes through. Should be less of the same thing all day…
So, the company I work for is currently in a short term hiring freeze because we're publicly traded and we didn't quite meet the growth projections for earlier in the year and now there is legal mumbo jumbo involved (even though we're still actually doing really really well). BUT! As soon as she can get it approved…
I don't recall ever getting a sex talk. Not an official one anyway. I know I had sex ed several times throughout middle school, and I'm sure I asked questions, but no major Talks ensued, that I can remember, although I know at various point "sex is great when you're married and not before" came up. I do remember…
I wish I was at home and had my folder of gifs handy. I can't describe with words the face I made while reading this.
I actually would love to spend 30 minutes with a baby tiger, even knowing the risks. But I don't get the swimming aspect. It's not like tigers are aquatic animals. Wouldn't it be less awkward (and easier to escape/not drown in case of injury) to do it on dry land?
Jack died before rescue came because he was fully in the water and the few degrees of difference that made in his body temperature was enough to kill him. If they had both been on the board, both would have been in very bad shape (as Rose was) but Jack would have been just a few degrees warmer because he wasn't fully…
They also tested whether there was a big difference in how fast hypothermia set in between being submerged in water, or in wet clothes in cold air. There was actually not much difference in how fast body temperature dropped. By the time they were rescued the difference would have only been a few degrees. So…
So, today I went to a local Slut Walk, where there were many awesome speakers, and my best friend read a poem she wrote after we were harassed on the street, and I got to meet a guy I've been talking to online for awhile, and he's very cute and tall and has a very deep voice and said some really awesome stuff during…