Apt. And when I spoke to the landlord this afternoon he actually said when he gets bed bugs he does the whole building. So yay for that, I guess.
Apt. And when I spoke to the landlord this afternoon he actually said when he gets bed bugs he does the whole building. So yay for that, I guess.
I hope I don't have to move. I just signed a one year lease a week and a half ago.
The local university just had a really horrible outbreak in one of the dorms. The previous tenants (I just moved in a week and a half ago) were UNL students. Obviously the didn't live in the dorms, but if they had friends over, or just sat next to someone in class who was carrying a contaminated backpack...not that…
I have bed bugs. It sucks. The exterminator can't get here until Tuesday. Discuss.
I know this isn't the main point of the article, but can someone sum up the "Pure Romance is a pyramid scheme" thing? My friend's bachelorette party last summer was a Pure Romance party (side note: one of her bride's maids is Mormon...it was kind of hilarious...she was a good sport about it...). Anyway, it was fun…
The only "women in their proper place" joke that I've ever found funny is a quote that's written on the wall in the women's bathroom in a local pizza place (it could be a famous quote, IDK):
Oddly enough I do that when I sleep. Well, when I wear pants to bed, which isn't often.
I have a lot of bad habits I've developed living alone. Drinking directly from the carton (although I'm about to move to an apt with a dishwasher, so I may start using glasses more often), leaving dirty dishes sitting on the side table in front of the TV, digging for gold in my nose....all things I would never do…
I realize it's not like a cheap slip-n-slide, but even still, $10,000 to refit the slide sounds insane. What exactly is involved that's so costly?
In defense of himself, Darrell Issa compared himself to Martin Luther King Jr.
Damn those elves. Those fabulous, fabulous elves.
I thought I was going to be all cool and non sappy about Valentine's Day. I had some chocolate cake, a bottle of wine, and Young Frankenstein. And then this. And then this.
Wow. Just fucking wow. I didn't read this story yesterday. I wasn't in the mood to deal with it, I was already having a bad anxiety day. So I had no idea just how monumentally Jezebel had fucked up.
And now I just want to bake. I've been meaning to try this carrot cake recipe as cupcakes, replacing all the oil with greek yogurt.
Eventually, I will stop doing this, but not yet -
Now I'm feeling an urge to make a 90s nostalgia playlist for my iPod. Except I don't have enough 90s music anymore. I found my boyband CDs a few months ago and that was fun, but there's so much missing...I do have Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.
That kitty is adorable and I'm glad they're working to give him or her a fighting chance...but I do have one criticism.
We talked about this in my art history class last year - blue used to be associated with girls because of its ties with the Virgin Mary symbolism, and pink was considered closely related enough to red, the color of war, to be for little boys. We talked about it right after we watched the Jon Stewart segment on…
I just donated to Planned Parenthood and posted about it on facebook, encouraging others to do the same. I have pro-life family members. Countdown to shitstorm in 3...2...1...