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    I'd like to pretend by refusal to dress up (wear makeup, heels, skirts that make me chafe, etc) in any situation but the most formal, is some firm stance against caving to societal pressure and just wanting to be myself, but really, it's mostly laziness. Makeup takes forever and never stays put, getting my hair to do

    I've been thinking about getting my first pedicure for awhile now, but I've been afraid of how gross they might find my feet. I have really bad callouses because I would literally run around barefoot my entire life if I could. My right heel is so bad I barely have feeling in it anymore. And I have a weird toenail

    My winter vagina loves George R.R. Martin and considers Ned Stark her personal spokesman. She thinks this entitles her to a meeting with Sean Bean. I've tried to reason with her, but you know how winter vaginas can be.

    It's a vagina that's kicking back on the beach, reading a good book, and sucking down the sangria. Although mine occasionally goes for a Peach Panuchi instead.

    Well, yes, but you have to look at pictures of dead animals every couple of minutes. This is your only option.

    Mixing sensitive electronics and bodily fluids just doesn't sound like the smartest idea.

    *Tries to remember facts from final art history research paper*

    Yeah. Fuck those guys.


    If cooking represents control, baking represents surrender.

    I always love seeing articles like this. It's so important that the discussion of gender inequality not just be about women. The patriarchy created this inequality to begin with. Widespread true cultural and societal equality won't happen without changing the way men think as well as women.

    3 Musketeers are delicious chocolate covered pillows.

    I'm fairly I did more web surfing that work during my student office job. Which is what they get for giving a student her own office (OK, it was the copy room, but still...)


    But what about bisexual women? Do they exist? I need to know. If they don't, then that means one of my best friends is imaginary, and if that's the case, I should probably let my therapist know about her during this week's session.

    Ha, no worries. I was only half serious.

    ...I've been using beef jerky as a morning snack to try to keep my energy level up during my horrifically boring job. I...may need to find another snack.

    As my high school health instructor said - Alcohol removes inhibitions, it does not make you do something. If you rape someone when you're drunk, then it was always in you to rape someone.

    Even though The Lion King debuted nearly 15 years ago

    As an artist who's degree is still warm from the printer and who studied this in class not 6 months ago, I'm horrified at the potential purposeful damaging of a priceless work of art. As a human being, I can't stop giggling over all the penis pun laden headlines that keep running through my head.