
How about separate showering times? And there's a good chance that the trans person has also been a victim of sexual violence. Putting a trans person in a mis-gendered shower or locker situation is also a very foreseeable trigger, whether it relates to sexual violence or any other kind.

Well, the whole prison system needs a total rehaul, but that's not happening quickly. We need to protect all the people incarcerated, and while solitary sounds like a good idea on paper, in practice it is dehumanizing and a form of mental torture. Actual coed prisons would be the best option, for non-violent offenses.

Your hypothetical people are not more important than the REAL people dealing with this in their daily lives. It's really limiting just out in the regular world, even without the difficulties of prison.

Yep. All of this. It's therapy when you are making it too..

Well, this person went, "oh, really? I guess that makes sense, in hindsight."

Well, you could still look like a Maiden or a Mother with that habit.

Name changes are really common. REALLY REALLY common. That's why we all have social security numbers. There's just more paperwork associated with numbers that have multiple names.

HORSE MEAT. (joking!)

Heh- schools out, things should clear up when the trolls have to be back in class. It has been crazy lately.

Oh, I was more criticizing the company's lack of imagination. Toys and collectibles are cute, but there's so many more options out there. The gendered stereotypes they cling to are no excuse because that should simply open up more options.

I have nail polish based on the hunger games. And makeup has been made based of of other series. Cookbooks based on Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Hobbit.

Whichever fighter wins, his mustache still beats the kangaroos.

The fact that they made two male turkeys share a hotel room is obviously a plot to further the gay agenda.

I'm happy dude has been designated a gender-non-specific word or I would think you were trying to silence me here. :)


If "he" is a "man" with a sex change, the "he" is a woman.

Hows are Trans women not "actual" women?

I like her better.

AND HOW! Either actually.