So the new one will be the real PS4? as the current Ps4 is really the Ps3.5. Though I love the PS4k moniker.. that actually stands.
So the new one will be the real PS4? as the current Ps4 is really the Ps3.5. Though I love the PS4k moniker.. that actually stands.
As an Indian... I... I... I... i am not sure how to react to that dawning horror of the sequence. I feel unclean. OoO
What a bunch of horse manure..!
The way that car went under the tractor. I just dont see how he can survive an impact like that. I hope he does. But damn...
I like it for the capcabilities its offering for a mobile player. but I would really have LOVED it 3yrs ago. but what we got was a 2d platformer. this would have been awesome. not sure i will spend the money to play this again
I guess if you dont have a nose and by kissing if you mean really trying hard to peck the others lips .. then yes.. these glasses are a hands down stare'em in the eye kissing machines made to order kissing perfection!
You suck..!! I hate you. !! :((( thanks for destroying my child like imaginary visions of glorious flame rocket battles.. :(
So on one's calling this a "Lost Cause Curse".. asides from 3 or 4 folks almost all tanked universally ? maybe they'll wake up one day and ACCEPT the plane did crash and sank :p ... but seriously thats a waste.. there was a nice bunch of talent on that show.
My mounting trepidation and horror were calmed once i realized it was a joke. Sadly it took too long for that to happen. :(
Whats more sad is that if you listen to the released conversation between the Ukrainian pros and the Russian's. the pros are not even sad that they shot down a civilian plane but says they deserved it.. didn't they know there is a war going on ?
Ok.. so this is very depressing.. :( no i am not a woman. But I do have a daughter and I'd hate it for her to grow up into this..
Seriously.. why the f*ck are there more assholes in this world then folks who do the right thing..
The Last Guardian is the Duke Nukem of this generation. Its going to eventually come out when the studio's run out of money/licenses and scrapping the barrel. Only its going to fall flat after all this hype. In fact it already is too late for it to release. The hype wont let the game itself do it any justice anymore.
heheh.. true.. but i kinda like F3.. played it to completion 100% oh 4 times.. still get a hankering once in a while.. though now i know all shortcuts.. :D
Thanks Jason.. I knew about that.. was alluding to the fact that bums still haven't "Officially" announced it yet.. and hence like you said. wont be out for a while..
all that is ok.. But where the hell is my "Fallout 4"
I hate rings. Not because of any masochistic reason, but simply because they are a nuisance. they are clunky, the skin below the ring itches and becomes polished and smooth if they are a little tight. And they keep slipping off if too loose. The bones of the fingers get crushed if you manage to fudge a firm…