
I'll go with Contact too.. But I'm too much of a skeptic to believe in one persons narration.. specially when it can be explained off as hallucinations. Nah.. I'd need documented real proof.. like the moon landing (;

yep.. which is why it is all the more amazing that that 8track is still running!

I assume he means from a cost factor. But If you can afford a Lambo, the apartment should be the least of the costs.. no? :p

easy.. Adrenaline junkies ;) or suicidal maniacs.. take your pick.

So NASA had solid digital camera way back when ? 1978 ? I am assuming they sent it up with the digital camera. And we get around to getting the darn things in wide public use only in the last decade.. So who was bitching what NASA gave us last time ?? ah sheesh.. and a "Billion" Miles a year.. double sheesh..

yep.. i think it was the fallout from those leaky reactors which closed the chapters on those things.

Same here.. I figured this was killzone.. Helghast with a jetpack.. now tht would be a nice game to have :(

Clearly nextgen consoles.. this is not going to happen on PS3 or xbox360

Or do what I intend to.. wait a few month.. Patch, DLC and price drop will arrive. Then get it :)

Uhoh..! thats a looot of poolpee.

Thanks on putting it so short, sweet and too the point. I was getting fed up seeing US wastes 2Billion posts on my fb. Gonna paste your article as a reply to them :)

Like everything in stats.. the boundary are rigidly defined and there are outliers. As such I know what I'm arguing for needs a very specific set of conditions to be true is not that hard to achieve. No more so then other other theories of the sphere's existing.

Like everything in stats.. the boundary are rigidly defined and there are outliers. As such I know what I'm arguing for needs a very specific set of conditions to be true is not that hard to achieve. No more so then other other theories of the sphere's existing.

See my concern with all of this is that any galaxy we are looking at for this info is millions of light years away. MILLIONS of YEARS. thats how old data we are looking at. And if statistics teaches you anything thats that thing happen together in a pattern. So if we can consider our civilization as advanced. an

rofl.. just made my day

Shocking really that the big industry groups are pushing back on this.. I mean who cares if this could mean that you can reduce the diabetic epidemic that seems to be going on right now..

Ah well.. that would explain a lot :p Thanks :)

The link to the movie info page would be better than directly playing the movie when clicked. Then you have a choice of putting it into your queue for later as opposed to.. crap dont want to watch it now. Annnd , Shoot back at gizmodo when I click back to browsing. "scratch head"

I would just like to point out that on my wife's phone she uses turn by turn gps direction WITHOUT any data. Its a Win 7.5 phone using Navigon US app. It might be a navigon feature. But just wanted to give clarification, google maps might use that much data as its downloading the maps itself while you are traveling.

It was always do able from a jailbroken phone but its sad that now non jailbreakable phones can do it too. On a positive note: this will not impact cupertino much as those folks who will go to this length to fake the buying process are already jailbroken and have been doing it the other way. But I would expect a new