Thank you! Isn’t that crazy that all of that time and travel would save you guys money?!
Thank you! Isn’t that crazy that all of that time and travel would save you guys money?!
No, 42 weeks = 9.77 months (a month is 4.3 weeks, not 4 weeks). To be 10.5 months pregnant, that’s another three and a bit weeks more than she was. She was well overterm, which is not recommended ever as the risk of stillbirth is high, as is the risk of the placenta deteriorating.
If my mum didn’t have access to a c-section when she had my older sister, both of them would have died. Period. Again, with my arrival, no c-section, no life. Apparently it seems the women in my family are a bit defective and have pelvic openings a tenth of the size that they should have been, therefore when my sister…
No idea, but $5000 (Australian dollars) is also about what I was staring down the barrel of when we were looking at needing IVF (before I got knocked up on the last cycle using the $12 a month treatment, yay!!). I think I would have then got about $1000ish back from the government.
I went on a date with a guy I met online. He seemed cool, funny, settled etc. Maybe a little tooooooo health conscious/health obsessed but it didn’t seem too bad (note, I am a healthy person, go to the gym regularly, eat well etc, but I also like beer and fried chicken, balance, you know?!). He suggested a pub for…
There is a politician in my state (im Australian) whose name is: Grace Grace. First name Grace, last name Grace. She took her husband’s name when she married, so she actually CHOSE that shitshow.
This article is reaching. Lily herself clarified the “not proud” statement as meaning she wasn’t proud of doing it because she was still married at the time.
I used to live in NZ. We had flax in our front garden so would get tui around our house all the time. Absolutely gorgeous, native birds. We also had this awful grey cat (I hate all cats, but this one was awful) that belonged to one of our neighbours that was constantly trying to get into our house. One day, grey cat…
I taught myself to sew because I could no longer deal with paying premium prices for shitty quality, shitty fabric and shitty cuts. In three or so hours and for a fraction of the cost, I can make myself a nicely fitted, non-crotch showing outfit in much better fabrics than I’d be willing to pay for for a pre made…
I’ve always thought that’s why it was taking forever. They may not be romantic partners anymore, but he’s still the father of her kids and she seems like a genuinely lovely woman and wants to be able to be in his corner when no one else will step up and do what he needs.
Harry Potter first came out when I was about 10, so I loved it and read them all and pre-ordered books and waited in line etc.
Somebody needs to start a Go Fund Me for poor embattled Charlie #prayforcharlie
Don’t even get me started on my husbands family’s politics. I’m certain they voted no for same sex marriage and are currently up in arms about the plastic bag ban.
My dad is a John Howard era Liberal man and I also just can’t with politics around him (I’m a Greens voter). Funnily though, he’s not racist with actual people, once he meets people he loves them, he works with guys who came here as refugees and thinks they’re great, it’s just this racism with ideas and policy (if…
My husband’s best friend is a Leyonhjelm devotee (never fear, my husband does not share his politics) and as I get older and more jaded and fed the fuck up, I find it increasingly difficult to be in the same room as his friend. I’ve taken to getting up and walking out of the room/restaurant/bar over his fucking insane…
Considering Mother Teresa was an evil fucking cunt, she herself makes Marie Antoinette look like a saint.
I will never for the life of me understand why Americans needs applicators to stick a tampon in. Use your finger!
Hylamide is also Deciem. I’ve only used their Hyralonic Acid and don’t like it as much as The Ordinary, even though I’m sure the product would be fairly identical. I honestly don’t know what it is, but it’s just not as moisturising and glow-y for me.
Yes! I think that’s definitely it! Stop fucking with your faces, people! I’m 31 and a lot of my friends who are the same age have started with the lip fillers and botox. It makes them look great and all, but it makes them look like well preserved 40 year olds, not women in their early 30s. There’s just something so…
She’s 26? I look at that pic of her posted above and I’d swear she’s an over plastic surgery-ed mid-40s.