This too. I took the pill/nuvaring for about 8 or so years until a prescribing doctor wrote me a script and while I was in reception paying for the appointment, ran out, snatched the script out of my hand and said “please come back in”. After nearly a decade, a doctor had FINALLY properly looked at my medical history,…
I’m really sorry that you have to be part of it too. These things ruin lives. I too will never have a foreign object implanted into my body unless there are DECADES of evidence about its safety.
Yep, that’s exactly what I was referring to. The human trials on the female pill were a farce anyway and the fact that only in the past year they’ve actually started actively looking into the link to depression is fucking criminal.
Seriously. On my way to work, I see 10 year olds with newer iPhones than I have. Why do children need iPhones? Ffs. The woman I sit beside at work has a shitty iPhone 4 that barely works, and yet for her 12 years old son’s birthday, she gave him an iPhone 7. WHAT?!
Spanish food is the BEST. We spent a month there this year on holiday and choosing what to eat was SO SO hard that we ate obscene amounts of food just to be able to try everything. I can’t actually recall a bad meal we had in Spain at all. And yet, I piled on the kilos something crazy over that month (and am still…
I don’t think so. Here’s an article I found about some of the horrible stuff that happened. There were women who didn’t even consent to the implant, ffs!
THIS! Fashion bloggers that actually find, source, buy and style their own items are awesome. I love seeing what they come up with! Fashion bloggers whose entire feed is one big “” link and #sponcon are just boring. You are no longer a fashion blogger/beacon of style, you’re just a convenient walking…
Nope. The stuff these women were told by their doctors was just foul.
One of the women in the class action in Australia said that she told her doctor she was no longer able to have sex, and the doctor told her to just have anal sex, then there was an email chain leaked where he joked about the exchange. Disgusting and horrific.
I say this in the best way possible as she is gorgeous, but she’s so pretty she almost looks like a doll and not a real child.
Exactly. YOU believe them. Many people don’t think what the Rohingya are going through is “that” bad. The world needs to hear what is happening, because without hearing what happens, it’s all too easy to pretend it isn’t.
I’ve never heard anything about this. Do you have any links or further information about it?
I got married in May this year and I cringed when my poor celebrant, who is a staunch marriage equality supporter, had to say the words “Marriage is the union of a man and a woman” (there is a photo of me pulling a face and poking my tongue out from that moment). Anyhoooo, for years, she has conducted same sex…
One of my friends, who “married” (in inverted commas because obviously it wasn’t legal, and they’ll still have to redo the ceremony to make it legal) her wife nearly five years old and have a beautiful one year old baby girl together said she felt trapped in her home during the survey period as it just gave hateful…
AND he’s against the marriage of two gay people in a long term committed relationship marrying, but all for his daughter getting engaged to her boyfriend of TWO WEEKS.
I hate Advance Australia Fair. I really wish I Am Australian was the anthem. It always makes me teary.
It’s already been done: I wouldn’t have said no to Ed Sheeran singing at my wedding either. I think he seems like a lovely guy.
My husband and I were having lunch at a beach bar in Vanuatu a few years ago and this seriously annoying guy (I think he either owned the place or worked there) kept hassling us to hold his iguana for a photo and to pay him for it. We kept saying no because a) I don’t want to hold your fucking iguana and b) I don’t…
I can’t log into my phone either. Clear cache, whatever, nothing works. Then sometimes, it does! For a day! YAY! Then it doesn’t anymore.