
where else are you gonna find an ass like that on a white chick?

she probably thought it was spreadable bleu cheese gel

what. You don't want to ride around in a pink m&m?

I've had to warn people from getting too close to my Chow. They're always like awwwwwww teddy beaaareryyyyyooowwww woah!! Chows are amazing guard and hunting dogs, and super protective of their families, but after that it's fair game. I loved my Chow but I could see how she could be a bit of a menace. She's only ever

Use pot to fill pot holes. Simple and genius.

nice cabinet, sounds like mine. try adding trader joe's habanero hot sauce, as well as malaysian hot sauce, which is a sweet and spicy sauce, almost like spicy ketchup, to the mix. also make some kecap mantis, a sweet, thick, spiced soy (usually soy, brown sugar, anise, cinnamon). phenomenal stuff. i love it with some

It's a good all-around sauce, and one that is strongly garlic based, while most American ones are vinegar based. Definitely not the best one out there, but one of the most ubiquitous given its penetration of Asian (specifically Chinese and Viet) restaurants. I have a bottle of it, and use it a lot, but like other hot

Actually, if you read up on Hui Fong, the company that makes Sriacha, you'll see they don't do ANY marketing. The owner I don't know, he doesn't even really know what his profit margins are, he just knows people like his stuff and he's gotta make it. There's absolutely NO marketing of any type, have you ever seen a

4 out of 5 men are opening up to fisting. won't you?

Oh y'all gonna drink Pepsi now? Good. I hope you all get cancer and die you hopeless wastes of oxygen.

Really?? LSD?? i've never heard of that being in pills, but damn, i would not mind at all.

I've seen dancesafe at some events but I haven't gone to a rave in years. You would think the promoters would be interested in harm reduction but maybe doing so is a tacit admission there are drugs at their events? I don't understand the politics of it, and false abstinence is a terrible policy. But there's also

Haha. I have no idea who he was. Probably just some made up guy who happened upon a solid press and good suppliers.

Yah. I know a lot about a lot.

seriously too bad about the pokemaster getting caught or whatever, seriously. those were good pills.

I agree. What's that B after 15 as in 15B? Oh, it's Billions? Hmmmm...

how the hell am i ever supposed to get laid when all these assholes are spamming chick's mailboxes.

" In addition to its action on cholinergic and glutamatergic transmission, the administration of sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, which increases the density of D1 dopamine receptors through a compensatory mechanism."

Stay away from L-Dopa, I've heard there are issues with it. Too much dopamine in the system can also be an issue (one of the theories behind schizophrenia). Research sulbutiamine. It's a vitamin B, and is supposed to help reset your sensitivity to dopamine. I used it for a while, lovely stuff, with no issues getting

I was also a pretty regular recreational user, although I for the most part stayed away from coke. Just didn't like how it messed with my sleep, although I did do MDMA, some psychs, opiates and benzos, as well as pot. Years later, I felt a bit moody, forgetful, and maybe slightly depressed; work suffered as well. I