
Easier said than done. I've already got a masters under my belt. At this point, I don't think I would be heading back. Although I wouldn't completely rule that out either. The objective really is to bridge the gap between the data scientists and the business decision makers. I eventually want to end up in management,

is superimpose a 3rd party filter?

this looks photoshopped.

Thanks, this is great information. I think the plan is to learn Python and SQL. I would imagine anything I may have to do in STATA or R (or SPSS) wouldn't require as much learning, just knowing the correct commands to do whatever analysis. That's kind of how I'm seeing Tableau as well. Not as much programming as there

Aren't Python and Ruby more for the software development end? I definitely see the utility of PHP and SQL. I just was never clear on Python and Ruby. How are they used? Would time be better spent immersing myself back into R, or on Python and Rails? I'm not coming from a programming background, so apologies if I sound

If I don't have SAS experience, but have R and STATA, is that an issue? What kind of methods do you utilize (cluster? regression? factor analysis?) A lot of my QM training was research focused, just not sure how that would translate. But yes! I know where the future is. I don't fancy that I will be a data scientist.

Any advice for anyone with a solid quant academic background trying to get into analytics? I'm tired of investment banking. It kills your soul. I've got a bit of R and STATA under the belt, and I've downloaded Tableau a good five times. Excel is fine. Friend recommended Python and Ruby, but I thought that was more for

Very real. And its wonderful. Squirters are keepers.

Now playing

They used to make some killer music, pre-Fergie. It's too bad, some of the best shows I saw were them playing with Dilated Peoples and J5.

Audited by Deloitte...

If Autonomy was cooking the books, they would be liable for the veracity of the data under reps and warranties right? I would imagine there is some sort of recourse here and some attempt would be made to recover some of the purchase price correct?

Looks like Barclays and Perella Weinberg Partners were financial advisors for HP. Qatalyst Partners, Citigroup Global Markets Limited, Goldman Sachs International, Merrill Lynch International, UBS Limited and J.P. Morgan Limited for Autonomy. I'm guessing Barclays did the DD.

Now playing

A friend of mine came up with a website that I worked on way back in the day, late 90s called CHV.net. We had FMV's, intros, play throughs, game play and reviews available for download and managed to rack up a good 50,000 members. We ran it all off the Dartmouth network, and at the time, was told that we ate up about

The Chinese have a pretty wicked sense of humor. Usually unfiltered.

Based on what I read, the partisan hate is a relatively new phenomenon here. To hear some accounts, you'd think Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan watched romantic comedies together. What's the incentive for MPs to get along? Is it respect? Camaraderie? Or something more structural? I should pay more attention to

This is from another thread on here, but... what are the merits and drawbacks (and likelihood) of having a proportional representation system implemented in the US?

How would you envision a parliamentary system working in the US? I agree that the system here in the US has led to gridlock; is it fixable? Or does it require a complete overhaul? You understand the UK system better than I do, is there anything we can pilfer and integrate into our system here?

poorly worded. first past the post ensures that there is a viable government vis a vis a coalition government.

its not that easy to repeal laws, even if they say they can.

You can't just up and switch systems. There's no appetite for that in this country. I for one would love to see better representation in our parties, not just third-parties, but there's a cost associated with that. I suppose we're talking in theoreticals, in which case we should be looking at a hypothetical change for