
Wait, subways in UK have DRIVERS? But, why?

And the hackers' world just became more lucrative...

The Tweet button is EXTREMELY buggy...it keeps on giving me pop-ups...

I did not have a fear of Spiders or eight-legged creatures before, but I think after that footage, I may develop arachnophobia...

LOL?!!! And we criticize countries like China and Iran for monitoring and snooping on their citizens' communication? I thought India was a free, democratic country. I expected this from Saudi Arabia or any other monarchy, islamofascist, or communist country, but not from India. Shame...

I guess my old 386 PC could make a good inheritance.

Why the hell does General Electric need grants from the feds (DARPA) ?

Less of this, more of Doom 4 please.

Giant Heatsink...

Same people who don't want health care for everyone...

He has a EMP device on him...that is why the sharks avoid him and snap to run away when he gets too close...

Just wait until 2025...we'll ALL use the Internet then...