
This is so cool...I must do this over the weekend...


I guess OS X has not future in gaming...

Eventually, after the apocalypse, we'll all have electric cars, and no more oil...

Probably a couple of new Blackberry phones with touchscreen, and BB OS6 running on it. Possible introduction to a BB Tablet, and maybe Dell Streak?

WTF? Haha, I thought this only happened in Canada...I got a similar letter from Telus telling me to pay zero dollars or they will cancel my home phone and Internet services...

@ClaudioIphigenia: Kotaku always fails at something, I only come to this site for VG news.

The funny thing about Doom is that even if you play it today (on platforms such 360 or iPhone) its still as fun as it was 17 years ago. ^^

*double facepalm*

There is no franchise reinterpretation...Metroid just never had a proper back story or canon...this is supposed to fill that void...

We are really only 10 years away from a fully autonomous robot that is more flexible than any creature on earth...Now, if only energy storage technologies improved just as fast...

Why 7?

This should come with wireless keys or remote control recognition. You walk in, it recognizes you have the key, alerts you to disable the system, and done. How hard is that?

Oh, you forgot to mention there exists NO OSD...which actually is not a disadvantage, but rather provides lower latency with the GPU and requires less power.