
Next, a fully circular double helix highway.

Their site just got Giz-ed.

Where can I BUY ONE?

I bet Gorilla glass won't break.

Dolphins with...weapons? Where are my Sharks with lasers?

Gizmodo should also add the details regarding the new "trialware" and "freemium" apps that can be added to the market. Also, the tools to develope for WP7 is freely available to developers. Only those who wish to submit apps need to pay the yearly $100 fee, or is it yearly?

I like the article picture...iPhone is now allied with the Jedi, and the EVO is exclusive to the DARK SIDE. I'll go with Vader anyday...

See, THIS is why we need tougher rules and policies on handling of genetic material and information.

So only about 120 thousand people bought the 3G iPad so far?

Well, at least this arguement doesn't apply very well in Canada. As long as you are willing to pay full price for the hardware, you can have any carrier you want. Not that there is any competition on the price though...

Well, get Adblock...for your kids.

Still useless...

Well well well...looks like Steam has some potent competition at last...I still like Steam more.

That is some seriously strong wires...

Wow...not one mention of Crysis.