
I've never been hung up on. Have you? My guess is no and you don't no anyone who has. And service terminated? You must be under 25 to think that's how business works.

If it's a tech problem do not let them off the phone. Tell them straight up, "No! The next customer can wait. This is my turn. You're staying put till my problem is solved." This is the best way to make it to level two or three. Level three inevitably solves your problem in ten minutes, where as level one futzes

That was a decade ago. If anything I spent more than a few years over compensating to make sure no one ever brought it up to my face, ever. I'm fine. Apparently it worked. If anything, I tend to be a bit of a pompous dick. But that's a whole other issue.

Damn it, I wanted that typewriter the second I saw it, but it's out of my range. Too bad David Koresh didn't leave more behind.

I had major brain surgery after getting meningitis. I used to call it a reboot, but after reading this it was more of a hard restart. Part of me reverted to baby stage, and part was still a grown man. Impulse control was at a minimum. No nurse could turn her back on me without me grabbing a handful of butt, and if

Your future called and it wants you to know you suck as a criminal. Take the hint, kid.

On second read I find your argument faulty. I've built websites utilizing Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and flash. I agree that having everything running for 24 to 48 straight is often helpful, it's not necessary. In addition, i actually advise rebooting while getting away after that long staring at the

My ringtone for the week.

I see people spelling chick as chic a lot now. No judgement, just letting you know that chic is already a common word with a different meaning.

I just discovered the perfect balance to this show, "Pregnant in Heels." It's about women who wait until they're rich and successful to get pregnant. When put in that context it's an awesome resource of information. It would be great if they were on the same channel and shown one after another.

When you walk away from the computer for an hour or two, reboot. Why over think it? A power outage could screw you if you walk away without saving so what's the difference. You could even do it during bathroom breaks. SMH...

Now playing

The idea works in animation. If they made a show or film half as fun as this it would be a huge hit. Hint: She actually cuts a dudes head off!

Now playing

It works perfect in Animation. This was a fun watch.

Linda Carter's costume was not stupid. Back then there was absolutely no jack off material readily available for horny juveniles, you had to work to find it. So Wonder Woman's costume was nuclear level hotness. You could still see it when the screen went black. It's impossible for that to happen in today's world.

This is probably going to sound gross, but there are toilets that when I sit down I have to hold my junk up and out of the way so it doesn't get splashed or hit the side of the bowl and I'm only a little bigger than average. I feel sorry for really hung guys because they probably always have this problem and it's

She needs more practice in public, she lost the beat a couple of times before the fight started. Also a choreographer, maybe.

The ones that do you don't want mess with.

Who cares. Everybody knows that the Flash could wipe the floor with Supes.

Everyone was. It was built into the culture. Back then if you had an accent you were a suspicious character. And if you weren't white then you'd best stay in your neighborhood after dark or you were screwed.

What's with the 'Obama's wall street sellout' poster in the background?