
I'm starting to think patents are bad for the market. This is just bs

I think Google+ is really great, even better than facebook. But personally, I'm just bored with social networks. It's more of a chore for me to keep that crap up to date. Plus Google+ notifications doesn't tell me when someone posts something on their wall and I'm too lazy to open up the stream and check it out.

I hope somebody rules the world soon. How long have we been on this rock now?

Sad face doesn't mean a girl is sad... come on bros, haven't we figured women out yet?

This thing is pretty old news, but it still hypnotizes me

That's how you race CO2 cars, otherwise the cars will just fly into a wall.

I love these articles that re-state the title but with more words

hate hate hate gamestop, someone please end their monopoloporopoly. RIP EB

Xbox S needs some pinups if you were to ask me


This simulation isn't realistic enough because I was able to view the galaxy forming in just a few moments

Everyone who loves Linux: When I say "HEY" you say "HO"!

I disagree with this article, yes Apple patented a ton of things (both ridiculous and reasonable), but to go and say this is better for innovation is just wrong. Competition is what keeps the consumer safe and gives us the best quality products. When a company like Apple forces companies like Samsung to pay royalties

chump change? hardly, didnt you read? 22% of quarterly earnings...that's pretty painful plus goog is facing a possible Motorola suit on top of their oracle battle.

I always thought the huge time gap was because they weren't sure when their techs were going to finish a job at another site and have time to go to your house. Anyways, this article just reads as one big rage and nothing really informative is coming out of it. Just like a useless email please check think about the

Armageddon was not a masterpiece...

Sounds like a job for Anonymous!

Isn't this how a lot of end of the world movies start?

easy, if i want to run a minecraft server this will just close it after X amount of time. It could be a nice feature if it was optional/manageable. But its use needs to be taken into circumstance and not applied across the board.

Billions can cripple a big company like google. I doubt Oracle will get billions out of this but they probably will get millions. Still a nasty bruise on a big company.