
Somehow Kanye STILL manages to smell like Axe Body Spray despite the fact that he hasn't been in a 3-mile radius of a can of it in years.

I get cramps so bad I puke on occasion. My husband witnessed that once and has never questioned the vengeance of my uterus again.

My husband and I split up our joint bills so he pays everything related to the house (he built it when we were dating and I had no say and it's much more expensive than I would have signed off on) and his credit card bills and I pay my bills (car, student loans, insurance, etc), our housekeeper, the gym, and put money

It caused a brief moment of strife in my marriage until we realized there's nothing wrong with keeping both smooth and crunchy in the cabinet. TA-DA! Problem solved.

My dad <3's guns and to try to bring me over to the dark side took me shooting the last time I was home.

The Liberty wallet I got from the collab is the best thing ever and I still get crazy amounts of compliments on it.

Spoiler alert: I've been getting my Lilly heavily discounted through RueLaLa for YEARS now. Can't wait to scoop up this entire collection and cackle while reading my timeline.

If you visited the Kickstarter page, you'd see the rewards are pretty reasonable. For $15 you get the digital album, which is basically what you would pay for a new release on iTunes anyways. So instead of paying into the Kickstarter and then buying the album, you're basically pre-purchasing the album with that money

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I didn't realize just HOW amazing until one night we somehow ended up watching old school live Whitney appearances on YouTube (my husband is the best ever because this is where our nights lead). Holy moly - that woman! Her voice is so effortlessly amazing! I keep going back to old VMA performances because she commands

You could donate it to your local high school drama department?

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This is from a while ago, but she gave an awesome (of course) talk at Google when her book came out and looks like she's in a good place:

ACK! You're right. This is what happens when you're multitasking :(

Like special dog, whilst moving.

I feel like gold flake is artisanal glitter.

My husband's shop dog, Oliver.

Allegedly the scene where he's sexily running his hand down her side and she keeps cracking up wasn't supposed to be in the movie except she really couldn't keep herself from laughing and he just kept getting more and more annoyed and the director kept it all and used it.

It has nothing to do with it being popular! I've been wanting to listen to it since it came out. It's just that my expectations based on the hype didn't line up with my actual response to it.

Rather large! I pulled everything out of it and got rid of probably 2/3 of my stuff then put it all back in the closet. It was a 6+ hour ordeal.

I listened to the first 9 episodes on Saturday while I was cleaning out my closet. I have no burning desire to finish it. I get the appeal but I think the hype machine broke me.

Resources could be anything besides money though - like time, energy, fucks to give, etc.