Madusa and Richter are both on good enough terms for it to happen. They’re both in the Hall of Fame.
Madusa and Richter are both on good enough terms for it to happen. They’re both in the Hall of Fame.
Yeah, I’m sure being the number 2 game instead of the number 1 game means they are dead. How can they possibly go on?
I can tell the difference, but I really don’t care as long as the experience is smooth. I play high-end games at 60fps on PC, and 30fps games on older consoles like the 360. I couldn’t care less what the frame rate is as long as the game is fun and the performance is fairly stable. It’s just not that big of a deal.
Ah, +1-800-255-3700. I used to relentlessly prank Nintendo in the 90s, with such “ingenious” approaches as “Sonic the Hedgehog is running around in your offices” and “Help! my super scope is shooting real lasers!” complete with my friend screaming in the background on cue.
Can’t disagree. If you want every game, buy every platform. End of story.
“Just days before the film opens wide to all of black America”
This will be selectively enforced, just like it was the LAST time they came out and basically said the same thing about half naked people streaming.
Your opinion on He-Man has, and always will, fucking suck.
“Fuck exclusives! They are bad for everyone!! Unless they’re from m’precious Nintendo in the land of glorious Nippon.”
So basically, if you planned on buying at launch any two of Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, whatever Forza comes out this year, or Crackdown 3...may as well just get the service for a year. Same price and you get access to a ton more games.
Sony with the “a fool and his money are soon parted” approach to products.
The people here acting like back compatibility is nothing special or a waste of time would be over the moon if the Switch let you download and play Wii games you bought previously. You’d pee your pants if you could insert a PS2 or 3 disc into your PS4 and play it.
“Outside of that, the hassle and expense of backward compatibility is always going to exceed the potential benefit.”
And how shitty Nintendo is whenit comes to literally everything they do other than the games themselves. The fact that they did nothing here is pretty pathetic.
People who still buy WWE 2K games clearly aren’t too picky when it comes to quality, but this has to be stretching what even they will accept.
That nonsense clickbait article is hysterical.
What’s more important to me, playing “JRPGs” or being able to play many of my games from this gen, last gen, and the one before that? The latter, easily. I’ll be glad to play Burnout Paradise or Crimson Skies over Mushi Jihon No Chin-Chin or whatever mythical Japanese RPG GOTY some of you guys are dreaming up.
Things not going away anytime soon: Headlines stuffed full of hyperbole