
I think it’s more that all the good retro games were already released. Everything else was so niche that only a couple hundred people wanted it. Once you get past the Metroids, Sonics, Marios, Zeldas, and delve a little deeper into the Dragon Quests or Final Fantasies or even things like Pilot Wings or Star Fox,

Because the demand for retro games was waning in the latter days of the Wii and throughout the Wii U (and the 3DS), resulting in lots and lots of poor sales on the Virtual Console, even taking into account the Wii U’s small base. Combine that with Nintendo wanting to use their library as an incentive to pay for NSO.

Note that those figures include bundles, and since Wii Sports was bundled with 80% of Wii systems...

Breath of the Wild 2 will probably get into the bottom half pretty quickly.

Nintendo: “When y’all stop buying Mario Kart 8"

The degradation honestly stops bothering most players pretty fast. It doesn’t take long before you’re at a place where you’re tossing out weapons that aren’t even broken just to make room or strategically breaking a weapon on a tougher enemy. I always spend way more time killing things with the bow and arrows than I

And Switch sales are just shy of 93 million (probably past it now since this was before the OLED model launched) which is a stone’s throw from Wii’s 101.63m lifetime sales and not far off from Game Boy’s 118.69m.

Um. Ring Fit Adventure is a whole new title and is in the top 10...

I’ve had older family members ask me what crypto is, or “what’s with all this nft stuff people are always talking about?”,

“My Kart is superior to all other karts because it’s my Kart and I own it and” —
** blue shell knocks him into 12th place**

In Mario Kart, as in life, superiority is never a guarantee.

The only thing that gives me hope for the future is the fact that the tools of game creation get more accessible every day, and indie developers doing incredible things will probably never be in short supply.

As far as corporate developers and publishers go... I mean, they probably won’t all turn awful, but it’s

“Because your Mario is an NFT, he’s impossible to duplicate. You and you alone own him. And because you own Mario, your go-kart is always better and faster than the ones piloted by other familiar faces in the Mushroom Kingdom like Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach.”

It reads like a onion article. People so ofuscated with wealth, haves and haves not that have lost sight of work, value, worth.   But you know? maybe I am the wrong here.  Everything in this society is measure in their terms, and I am the outcast. 

In the last 15 years Kotaku was my go-to site. I come less and less, which is still around 1 time per day. I’m annoyed I’ve been click baited, this isn’t even a metroidvania. And Dread is an incredible game...

Not to mention it’s not even really in the genre. They asterisk it in as an “isometric Metroidvania,” which I guess makes a bunch of Zelda games Metroidvanias now.

Click bait title is click bait. 

Came here to say this. It’s just a clickbait title.

Guys, Kotaku has a really weird vendetta against Metroid Dread. 

The best Metroidvania of the year and not one mention of the actual Metroid that just came out?

I have been really trying hard not to sound hateful in my comments so please don’t think that is what I am doing with this comment. The thing is I am really confused by the statements about 1999 and demos being rare nowadays, especially when its immediately followed by another statement about the abundance of demos