
It was the same thing with Obama trying to close the Camp Delta prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The GOP (and some shit-head Democrats, to be fair) passed a bill blocking all prisoner transfers off the island, forcing it to remain open, then they would run campaign ads listing it as a “broken campaign promise” by

I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.

I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get

Don’t know and don’t care. I’m not very favorable to the death penalty but people should know that if they commit certain crimes and get life, it will indeed be life.

Six months of managing not to brutally murder someone isn’t super convincing of ability to live peacefully.

In 2009, Michigan place kicker Brendan Gibbons raped a female student. Taylor Lewan, Gibbons’ roommate at the time, then called the victim and threatened to rape her again if she pressed charges.

Johnny Depp didn’t strike me as a wife abuser until he struck his wife. :/

You don’t recognize rhetoric?

For rape of a child, having the statute of limitations stinks like a buried rotten fish. 😟

1. Step One: Make Porn for a number of years

Pam Anderson is the absolute last fucking person who should be shaming anyone about porn.

Taylor Swift and Adele are the same age. Let that sink in.

God, Adam (no I will NOT call you Calvin, you passively-racist buttmunch) had such a punchable expression in his photo. Good on you for the upgrade, Taylor.

This is why people hate PETA.

We’re going to drop people into bacteria-infested water, and then send them home to - quite literally - every country on the globe.

People’s writing gives you a window into their thoughts, at times. When someone writes something that is so poorly constructed as that, it’s usually because they aren’t really sure what they are trying to say. They have a feeling that they wish to express, and they haven’t really thought through the reasons why. If