
My wife plants her crops in one big field with no symmetry at all. She plants what she wants all next to each other. Where as on my farm I go like Harvest Moon and keep each crop to their own plot. Like I make a 5x5 field and only turnips goes in this field then another one for potatoes for example. Multiplayer once


Yea or every big chest in LoZ:OoT

Makes me want to play Dark Cloud 1 & 2 again. Good times

I felt the biggest connection with Leah as she came from the city life as much as I did. Lives on her own and just starting out. Felt similar...safe...but now she’s stuck in the loop...maybe the submarine will shed more light on what is going on when it’s released

Stardew Valley...this game will be the death of me...also BoTW as I just got a Switch last week!

Mystic Ninja starring Goemon....one of my favorites growing up. Loved that ‘I am Impact’ soundtrack.