
Go ahead run you sparkly MOTHER F@CKER


ooh she's hot. where is this from.

This is Huey Approved!

Or this.

That would be so freaking great.

Because money is all that matters :'o(

This is true. Thats one of the things i like about "Seven 7 Days" he stayed still but the earth moved so he had to fall back to earth.

Tell me about!

If it was 2-4 animals maybe not but 48 there is't enough time to tranq then secure then cage then take to refuge. They would have to have 48 large cage trucks multiple wranglers and things to secure them. These are also mature animals that can cover a great deal of distance and do a lot of damage in a short space of

If it was 2-4 animals maybe but 48 there is't enough time to tranq then secure then cage then take to refuge. They would have to have 48 large cage trucks multiple wranglers and things to secure them. These are also mature animals that can cover a great deal of distance and do a lot of damage in a short space of time.

Yeah Meredith really screwed the pooch on this one. Thankfully io9 is not like Gizmodo cause on Gizmodo a comment like yours could get you banned.

Does it actually have no flight stick support cause i can use the flight stick to play other games.

Nah George Lucas already took us there.

That the George Lucas-Steven Spielberg school of thought.


That would be freaking revolutionary.

I think that is a worthy endeavour.

Yes....Yes I would

And their engine note sucks.