
Exactly! But if we never go then humanity will never reach out into the universe.

Are these only going to be used in the iphone as the title implies?

well lets be honest here we have no context for the shot he so we dont know whats going on outside of it looks like he ripped open a safe. Superman can get pissed he sure does in the comics.

All that energy in space and to get here and they invade and take ours energy why i say Why? I guess the aliens are lazy and want their energy processed they're not into the organic stuff. My only other guess is maybe they are like space jelly fish drifting on the currents of energy or what-have-you and our gravity

The aliens are lazy and want their energy processed they're not into the organic stuff. Why is it that trailers these days tell you the whole freaking movie. After watching that trailer theres no mystery left I know what they eat how they see and attack and how to detect them now there is no payout or discovery in

wasn't this type of thing a huge issue in the 70s in NYC? Now folks dont like to help each other.

This is so true. It makes far more sense to go into the much more manageable expense of turning the Vita into a phone then to do r&d and create a production line to spit out a bunch of mediocre phones that pretend to be portable gaming systems. They should cut back their line and have 2 high-end smartphone and make

We already have the Perfect Luke Cage Jive Turkey!

I think Jim Caviezel would be a good fit. He's older but not to old.

eh close enough

wow kwame are you the only weekend/night time editor?

Damn it Lore!

"who runs with glasses on?" people who need to see where they are going...just a thought

to me it actually looks like a transformation or something they seem to get progressively smaller

Mayhaps you are Toy Man. Its time for you to go take over this company and terrorize a metropolis so that a hero can arise

I may weigh more than it but if I took everything I own including myself and sold it as if it were new I still wouldnt be able to afford this....I'm going to go in the corner and cry now :'o(

sigh image refuse to stay put

Now why does this sound so familiar?

Thats a good thing the tech industry has to do it they put that the images on screens are simulated

yup thats exactly what he said