
DrunkenMessiah deserves a star and a job here.

Thats what happens when your single pass to close to a blackhole

Funny thing is it kind of does. Frame rates and the lens used can really change perception.

Use them for cheap labour before they sell them to the 456.

They need to combine the 2 and just give him an AA-12 with a load of Frag-12 rounds....Problem solved.

Might want to save that $500,000 to pay the common charges and taxes.


I like the show as well took a bit to grow on me though. The one thing that still bothers me is the background music, it doesn't seem to fit and tends to pull me out the moment.

Though it would be tough to fight them I'm if you cut there supply lines and use drone attacks you an deal a deadly blow. The sad part is the organization is so many generations in you will be killing victims made enemies. NATO wouldnt commit to full action or support because there is no vested financial interest for

Sad but very true.

Indeed the only reason things aren't sustainable is because of the way we live and the damage that has been done.

Yeah I noticed that as well. I refuse to re-download quicktime. I guess I should of bought a mac.


Now Finally i have a reason to get a PS3

excuse me....excuse me....yeah you uhm can please stop making senseits scaring the writers...uhm thanks

i would agree except we dont have the same quality of air, food and water we use to

I'll buy that.

haha nice i wonder if my name is like that.