
When I was reading your comment I thought you said you spent a lot of time in prison lol. Probably thought that because this cube is quite the nice prison cell almost the same dimension as one.

Yup thats why in Scare Tactics the actors are always like 10 feet away from the target of the prank.

LMAO good catch.

you know what you are so rightt that made no sense at all.

this entire final season should of been spent on the Legion of Doom forming, Darsied, and the return of Lex. So much wasted opportunity. And really Supergirl what a time to bail.

So true. Now I understand why he didn't want to come back.

I fully agree with you and that repeating the same phrase over and over drove me nuts. I like the show but it could of been and should of been so much more. These last 2 episode could of b made as one episode and they should of spent an episode reintroducing Lex and the other villains while showing the rest of the JLA

his dog told him to do it.

Chevy should turn this into a commercial.

Dont worry he's just happy to see you.

your imagination is quite on point.

lmao I just tried to post this but it didnt let me :o(

loved this spoof

haha I bet you are right

Man I need to train harder

how could they not included this classic piece of lethal sci-fi engineering

indeed these were real and pretty awesome.

I was just about to post the same thing. no way one can have a proper list of this kind without including the caster gun in a series that is just like firefly but predates it.

Technically you are right because it was the SGU crew in the original time line that got stranded on Novus and Rush coming back in time created an anomaly that split the timeline. So in fact they are the anomalies.