
@thermopyle: she the best of all the Louis'

@b33g33: I think one of the problems is that American food only seems to think Flavor= Salt/Pepper || Sugar there's no complexity and I'm guessing the ingredients are far more artificial

I though air pressure and in nasa's case zero-g & air oressure had something to do with taste being dulled.

@jasperjones22: yeah but only if you are living on a ship going somewhere what about space stations and if you are talking long range generational ships then you need artificial gravity

@Mooncow27: or...or become one....yeah

@Syntax Error: Yeah he really was. Honestly until the new stuff I always thought the whole Jedi thing was real weak.

@Mark 2000: I always thought it was at a human level due to lack of effects tech when it first came out.

@99TelepodProblems: I fully agree Combine Teabagger rhetoric with Zeitgeist with Alien conspiracy with the look and feel of District 9 & Pi and they got something and do as others have suggested and use polarized projections in the street and 3D in the film and hand out shades so folks really see stuff out in the

@boom: haha scale

@Janglesatwest: I don't disagree with what you just put up personally I like to see the impact on the real world as well like how the dad couldn't stop a car because he had no velocity and his mass was to low so he definitely couldn't stop the car like superman.

@Janglesatwest: Why is it these days everything has to fit science as we know it and has to be realistic all the time. Its weird folks love Star Wars but don't like when stuff isnt realistic.

@Alasdair Wilkins: This is true. Book smarts and common sens and such dont go hand in hand. Some of the smartest people i know are so dumb

@collex: it seemed pretty spot on to me but then I have had some royal a$$$ as teachers