have you met people?
have you met people?
And income isn’t even considered profit by the government, simply compensation.
Question asked and question answered in your comment. People are obsessed with this because it illustrates how our tax laws unfairly benefit billionaire parasites, and need to change.
Thanks for highlighting this totally secret bit of inside knowledge that is 100% addressed in the article above.🙄
You do realize that his wealth and power allow him to influence the people who write the laws, yes? It's not that simple.
And if you get to unilaterally define what income means to avoid paying taxes, that's still cheating the system.
Even Buffet has that line about “wanting to pay more tax” and being supportive of higher taxes for the rich. Meanwhile he continues to not pay more, cause he doesn’t have to. (I think Gates has said this too)
So...The Thing. The Thing is real now. Great.
There really is no logical reason to own one of these. The popular consensus among high end collectors and enthusiasts who have experienced an SLR is that they aren’t very good at anything except covering long distances at very high speed, for which they are fantastic. But so is a new S63 AMG which has interior space,…
If a supercar does not cost a fortune to maintain, it is not really a supercar then is it?
My brother is a Forest Ranger and works with Smokejumpers. He was actually flown in last year to help in the huge fires of the Pacific Northwest. He has said on many occasion those men and women are some of the most selfless and caring individuals you will ever find who know they are doing an extremely dangerous job…
I don’t know enough about the book to know if any parts (not the mob in the forest) was inspired by real events, but smokejumping is one of the most dangerous professions and becoming more prevalent with the increased drought in the west. A friend of my family’s, a Forest Service smokejumper named Tom Hart died last…
Like, I agree, you probably don’t need to get vaccinated if you’ve already contracted the virus
I was never an AMSR kind of guy. But then I saw Kiwami Japan, the Full Knife Alchemist from Japan, and I got hooked on AMSR. Besides the sounds, his work is pure art.
We killed strains of influenza by wearing masks. Yay, us. Suck it, Rand Paul.
I love these! I also discovered kinetic sand videos on tik tok and I can’t stop watching those either. This stuff:
I defy anyone to explain what the modern day GOP has actually done for anyone other than cause hardship and suffering for people who aren’t rich, straight, white CEOs and the companies they run.
“I’m not saying he’s a racist, but the racists believe he’s racist”—Andrew Gillum
This motherfucker. He is really polishing up the resume for his ‘24 POTUS bid. Or at least his groveling to be trump’s VP pick.
“A PROUD Texan would just shoot them bees”