With the money he saved, he got that haircut.
With the money he saved, he got that haircut.
If Oddibe had one, think of what we might have missed.
If Oddibe had one, think of what we might have missed.
Next they’ll say he just has high cholesterol from all the chicken parms.
This looks suspiciously like the Keyfood at 145th and Broadway...
Try Hendricks or Barr Hill, with just one ice cube. Sip. See the past and the future.
So it's gin.
I hate all Tanqueray products and it warmed my heart to see it last on here.
But I love Hendricks neat so then my heart was quickly broken.
The McGovern/Nixon-eyelids line is perfection.
I’ve been looking into getting an Xbone, but the 360 Live Gold service keeps giving me great games for free that I missed the first time around, so I haven’t been in a rush.
Who gets Cable for free?
The comments are falling all over themselves to love all of Shyamalan’s movies. Insane.
Yeah, right. As if Peter King could fit in his chest.
Fun’s over. Our next target: the Hill sisters.
The NFLPA suggested the title should be: “Go Set A Watch, Man”
Soon as Native Americans take control from Snyder and African Americans dominate the legislatures of the South, we can talk.
Their breadd (R) is disgusting.
We’re moving on to Walpole.
Woo! This absolves the Patriots of everything bad they've ever done ever!
"No, that's German for 'The Wade The'."