
Well, if they wanted people to buy it, this would not be the way. Sure some will buy one on name alone and paint it Orange and pretend to be Brian O’Conner. But once the first model year of this car gets all wrapped around a tree, the honeymoon will be over real quick. Make a damn manual guys.

double dribble

As long as he doesn’t end up being a monumentally huge douchebag like his father, he’ll be alright.

I want to like this, but I got beat by a bunt cheeser in MLB the Show17 last night who loved burning me with bunt+steal+steal+bunt with Hamilton as his star piece.

I normally argue against Hamilton everytime he jocks the expansion of unions in America, I wouldn’t mind the adverse side effects hitting buzzfeed and driving them into the ground.

As someone who went to SJSU and was always pissed BART didn’t stretch far enough south, to now living in Cobb County...

Thats gorgeous

That’s how it works man

Lindsey, your article made me want to read this book so bad that I bought it on the spot, thanks for the review so far its been a lot of fun to read.

Ok this book sounds pretty good, just ordered it on Amazon.

@uniwatch lol

Did I read this right? No stops anywhere near Atlanta?


That went well into the mid-2000s, my buddies used to cut out of school early on Wednesday, hitch a ride to BART and get a discounted ticket by way of a promotion on the side of a pepsi can. couple bucks for a hot dog and Wednesday was officially lit (for a 15 year old).

Wait so why cant you guys be on iTunes? For the longest time I just assumed you guys stopped doing the deadcast out of nowhere.

You couldn’t be more right.

Good for you.

None of this matters to me until they ACTUALLY penalize teams/drivers who win a race and then don’t pass post race inspection. Completely ridiculous.

You’re right despite all the hate mail you’re getting.

Man you really love pedaling this unionizing shit don’t you?