
You can also double up on square feet by having shelves or other climbing surfaces. Having enough litter boxes is the killer, IMHO.

I am a cat lady. I have two right now, but that’s only because my landlord won’t allow me to get more. When I get my own house........I will try to be an ethical cat hoarder. They’ll all be fixed and none of them will be dying in dark corners and not discovered for 4 years. But, yeah, I’m going to have lots of them.

Of course I am, I don’t need a quiz.

I think every result is cat lady.


Dammit, I can't get a good pic of my face. Should I try underboob from now on?

So now the state will appeal and the “small government, lower taxes” conservatives can waste even more time and tax money on a fight they won’t win.

This is most excellent news as I am currently sitting on the couch wearing athleisure attire and eating a coffee mug brownie!

Disgusting person to call that a ‘problem’, many women have this naturally. Its called variation. As if we need another part of our bodies which don’t conform to worry about.

See this is where I tend to feel uncomfortable judging women who get this surgery.

I know it’s a mostly result of societal pressure to look a certain way, for goddamn yoga pants of all things.

But if someone feels so intensely horrible about their body, to the point where they’d consider surgery...I have a hard time

Confession time: I wanted this surgery so badly for a long time. I hated just about every part of my body for a long time, but especially my long labia. I never got any comments, but I felt really insecure about it. I haven’t had sex in 4 almost 5 years so idgaf anymore, but damn hating your body sucks. I had to get

Long labia haver here. I have never not once felt uncomfortable with my crotchal area in yoga pants. Literally everyone in my yoga class is packing a spandex burger. Doesn't matter.

giving a more youthful look

Please post photos!

I really might try to carve a Trumpkin tonight you guys.

Well that gives me about two years to watch Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfecter before Pitch Perfectest is released on On Demand. Totally do-able.

Omg, Athens. Why do you never hit headlines for anything good?

Seriously, I feel like the little footie pjs with the long zipper are the easiest thing for diaper changing. I thought they’d be a bigger hassel, but being able to unzip and unpant in a matter of seconds is rockin. Plus no socks to deal with.