
The Cohen Brothers are writing a script about it.

I’m sitting here sacrificing my dignity and my spirit to write cover letters for any and every job I’m even remotely qualified for, and this woman is just giving away $30k!!!

This makes a lot of sense. Nice rugs should stay clean! Poor buddies.

OMG This was my favorite movie as a kid and I didn’t think of it first! Gaaaah!. You know what, I LIKE Kim Kardashian. I don’t care what anyone says.

I mean, I want to throw this party myself just like for funsies. No kids allowed.

Seriously. I love Troop Beverly Hills, and would have loved the fuck out of this party. It’s seriously cute.

I feel like Kourtney probably planned it. It’s very charming.

Despite his batshait remarks he’s a really good surgeon. Has performed very complicated surgeries, especially on children. Which just makes him even more odd. How could someone with great talent, an inspiring backstory be so over-the-top comment looney? My only thought is that he has religion to control him more than

I can’t hate on this. It’s cute.

That’s why people keep talking to him. They love the “brilliant brain surgeon” because how can you welfare queens argue with a doctor?

Isn’t forcing someone to have a child they don’t want a lot more like slavery?

Well, technically, he compared pregnancy to slavery....which is more valid, a lot of women might say....

^^^^^^ troll alert for cranberry

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

Yeah her reasoning isn’t sound at all but I understand not wanting to cater to student petitions given that colleges have begun being so pc as to drown out the right to free speech. Canceling her would be giving into the urge to keep anyone from being offended at all costs. On the other hand if she is transphobic in

Women aren’t turned on by looks? Pfffffffft hahahahaha.

Wow, you certainly nailed the crux of the issue here. Clearly, the problem is with young females.

Keep tellin’ yourself that, Cyrano. The womenz don’t reject you because you’re repulsive; it’s because they’re greedy social climbers.

younger females being attracted to older, powerful men