I really hate how in the United States, a man can rape a woman and get 3 months in Jail while who deals w/ Restore CDs gets 12 months in jail.
I really hate how in the United States, a man can rape a woman and get 3 months in Jail while who deals w/ Restore CDs gets 12 months in jail.
F***king Toyota.
A character flaw of mine, absolutely, but every time I see Robert Pattinson’s name on anything, I am reminded of my girlfriend, at the time, making me watch Little Ashes (red pill).
Why oh why didn’t she take me to watch Twilight instead (blue pill).
Just a note, this is a lot easier/better in RWD because you can continue to move while drifting the entire way looking really awesome.
Ooo hold on there cowboy. The only thing Guido wants is ass, not a bigass grill. #nuance
this lil Guido is offended.
Though kinda flat w/ that transmission.
I think that more than anything, auto manufacturers could actually develop their systems a bit more, give us a tad of refinement, and give us a Forced Induction bypass to either of these systems. Give control to the vehicle operator to get boost or not.
So I think the results are a bit skewed.
Yeah, Bicycle riders are pretty common in areas with liberals..
The power of “Acrua” to rekindle the dreams of Trooper fans.
I feel attacked. like 50,000 times.
to each his/her/their own. 👍
Oh also, if you liked 33, you would really enjoy 70 to 89 to 49 from Oroville to Quincy to Grass Valley. If that’s too long, you can do Paradise 70 to Buck’s Lake and wrap around through Oro Quincy through Lake Oroville. It’s best late August and September when the days are warm. Plenty of spots to do simple camping…
infinity turbos!
how electrifying.
if you’re starting in tujunga or la canada, i’d stop by the time you hit newcomb’s ranch. too many rocks from landslides usually square ish coke can to two liter bottle sized would destroy any wheel or ground effect.
drunk and high 😅, you just described some of the best drifters in the older FD series before they became all tube chassis abominations. 🤔
I engaged Amazon Support Chat just now and they haven’t heard of this and can’t confirm that this show actually exists.