
Don’t you know that becoming thin makes you a better person? Fat people are evil and good people are thin. /s

I love Maria Bamford, way back to her early standup, and will defend her to the death. Loved the first season, but I stalled out a few eps in the second, so maybe this is the best? Also, as a person with mental health issues in a demanding field, I understand how she approaches it, and I really just want her to do

Pretty sure you are dealing with a plant or a troll.

It’s really odd that multiple outlets refer to that poor child as having been murdered. If there is but one barely bright spot in the whole sad tale it’s that she lived.

*Attempted murder-the child they stabbed thankfully survived but seems to still be traumatized.

I mean...she’s not wrong. On the other hand, the explosion of good content in the TV/streaming realm has largely rendered movies obsolete when it comes to storytelling in the way she is talking about - if I want to see a complex story told with nuance, I’d rather watch it play out over 10 or 12 hours on Netflix than

It COULD be that she invented a testing system for LED lights.

Is it sometimes referred to as ‘led’ and not ‘lead’? Am I losing it? Or still drunk from last night? Has my home filled with carbon dioxide and caused me to finally abandon the tenuous grip I’ve painstakingly maintained with reality until this moment?

I guess it’s to illustrate that the person is “intelligent and sane”. But it’s a stupid, lazy analogy. I have a friend who has several masters degrees and he’s the least intelligent, most unstable weirdo I’ve ever met.

Sometimes you have to give the devil her due. For all his faults and complicity, Spicey never looked remotely comfortable having to be this administration’s Goebbels. But Huckabee is a natural, because she’s a stone cold sociopath.

The thing is though, when you fat-shame Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you’re not *just* fat-shaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You’re trashing the millions of women who look just like her and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they hear this shit and don’t take it as a personal blow. It’s no different than people who

I hate to admit it, but SHS is really really good at her job. She can tell the lies with a straight face, and convincingly act offended when the administration gets called out on pretty much anything. I’ve rarely seen her get ruffled. I have to hand it to her for nailing the skills necessary in that position, and in

I don’t worry about Sanders’ self-esteem. What I worry about is the message it sends to others, particularly young girls: “everyone knows that being fat is a worse crime than defending a racist”. Meaning if you are a nice girl who happens to be fat the message is you should be ashamed of yourself, because the person

This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.

Your last sentence should be the positioning line for the Gawkmodo group of sites.

Can we just shut fucking Twitter down please? Lump in the president and nobody can convince me that it does more good than harm. It is a platform for bullying, hatred, and for shallow, stupid people to primp and brag. It is a terrible result of our modern age and the ‘look at me’ culture; it is literally the end

It’s a terrible, terrible book. I can’t believe anyone wants to claim it.

Yeah but, literary brilliance? That book was awful.

That was my first thought too. Why are people so obsessed with flushing everything anyway? Short of the kind of domestic situation you described, people who need a little more privacy should just stash the test in their purse (wrapped in the original packaging or a ziploc) until they can reach a more private trashcan.

Omg I can’t believe I used to flush my tampons. I don’t anymore but occasionally I don’t of force of habit and am like shit now I gotta grab it out the toilet....