THAT’S NOT A RAT IN THE PHOTO, THOUGH, OMG!!! I AM MAD ON THE INTERNET!!!! (Think it’s a prairie dog?) (Judges?)
THAT’S NOT A RAT IN THE PHOTO, THOUGH, OMG!!! I AM MAD ON THE INTERNET!!!! (Think it’s a prairie dog?) (Judges?)
Meanwhile, as Nero fiddles with himself, his home state of Montana has a raging wildfire burning an area larger than Delaware. For Montana’s sake, I hope Zinke and Perry are enjoying a game of backgammon and a bottle of bourbon and leaving the actual Interior Dept. responsibilities to the professionals.
(A former escort told me that the porn and sex work industry run on them.)
This seems like wildly irresponsible advice - bordering on GOOP territory.
But when will I finally get my MaddAddam adaptation??
The Grill Who Fell From the Sky.
Maya Rudolph is perfect.
As someone wo came too late to this piece to have my initial-reaction comment, “Fucking VOMIT,” not get buried, I thank you for this. I really don’t understand why women who marry childhood sweethearts invariably seem to think that act is impressive and not stunted, but in any case I don’t know why they’d proudly…
Glad someone else said it first.
I think Teen Week is running on fumes
Ugh. No wonder people have unrealistic expectations of love and togetherness. Other guys never even had a shot with you because you had an odd obsession solely because you refused to mature emotionally. On the other hand, he fucked his way through a few towns, then when he got bored knew he always had a backup plan…
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
I’d love to see a movie about an eating disorder affecting someone who doesn’t look like their being affected by ED. I don’t think most people understand that you can be fat and be bulimic.
Finally, goddamn. The only shame is that it was cancelled over a dispute, and not because someone had a come-to-jesus moment and realized this entire premise is deeply fucked up.
Morrissey has very publicly been a huge asshole the last 20ish years but I still have a soft spot for Smiths songs like Panic and How Soon is Now, and solo effort Every Day is Like Sunday. Late 40s now so that stuff was right in my angsty teenage wheelhouse.
Thou shall not steal motherfuckers. Which commandment is this one?
Noooo. “Middle” (do you mean mid-Westerners? Or just the people who don’t live in on the coasts? Are you a drunk right now?) Americans do not think the only true white people are rednecks from the south. What on earth are you talking about.
Lol, it’s not like Girls. Maybe it’s because I don’t like Dunham or I think Issa Rae is bomb, but I don’t see the similarities other than they both have female leads.
And a library card is free.