
*sees Grim Fandango is only at #7*

They are handsome but boring on such a pervasive level that sex with either of them would be like when you swim in a really beautiful resort pool but you’re constipated or something so it’s just like eh.

SHUT UP MY NEW YEARS IS GOING TO BE AMAZING EVEN THOUGH I’M NOT IN PARIS “spending the whole day unapologetically in the spa.”

Wow a woman! That must have been really hard to animate.

Yeah... can we not with transphobic tripe of saying women look like men in dresses if don’t look certain way?

Holy shit guys!! Are you freaking out as much as me?? Because I am freaking OUT!!!

So, one of the sticking points for everyone is that she picked up a lightsaber and dueled Kylo Ren, who was ostenibly trained, to a standstill. So I guess my question is—where did anyone get the impression Kylo Ren was good?

I get we see some flashy displays of force power (stopping blaster bolts while pulling someone

I thought Alyssa was Kris Jenner for a sec...honey, no.

I didn’t think having a lady-lead would make that much of a difference to me (I didn’t think I’d feel so included) but it legitimately did in the best way possible.

I am just curious. Does anyone know who played the Storm Trooper that Rey mind tricked?

Here’s the thing.

I feel like I’ll be writing about TFA specifics for the next week at least, but I will say this: The Force Awakens isn’t perfect. There’s some weird plot stuff and a few problems for sure.

“I wonder what makes everyone so interested in me.”

Your attitudes toward gender roles are super healthy and not at all misogynistic.

One of them leaned over her suitcase like there was yoga position called “Packing Goddess Camel Stretch”. One of them packed Lena Dunham’s memoir. Was the one on Ritalin the same one who can only pack in pouches? Was Hamish Bowles wearing a thumb hole sweater? And finally, vibrator maybe. Dildo?? For her Jackson Hole?

He actually says to the jury as he approaches the bench, “how could you do that? how could you do that?”
Rage. Blinding rage. How could THEY do that? I hope this fuckin’ guy really enjoys his possible 263 years.

Fucker got the birthday gift he deserved. I honestly thought he’d get away with it. Justice prevailed for these women, and I hope that the judge throws the book at him and he never sees the outside of a prison again.