
I don’t think it painted Nintendo in a bad light, at least not once the whole “second job” statement was made. Lots of companies fire their employees if their actions might hurt the company’s image, that’s fair. When that news came out, I assumed Nintendo had their reasons and were under no obligations to share them.

But why is it newsworthy, though? They reported the “second job” as per Nintendo’s statement, what the job was isn’t important.

Because firing someone over a 2nd job and firing someone over being a prostitute are 2 entirely different things and it would put Nintendo in the clear rather than the hot mess the media put them in

So are you guys going to do a follow up to your Alison Rapp piece? Because it has since come out that the 2nd job she was fired for was, in fact, escorting. That is, actual prostitution.

There’s only room for one Skull Knight, and that’s the one from Berserk.

It’s... weird to me now.

Man I will never understand Japan.

There are limits based on your start level. When you start, you can upload only 5 courses, but as you get more stars, you are able to upload more.

There’s only one Super Hot...

Pretty much the only way I’d play another Dragon Age game.

Oh, that’d be fun! Might just do that.

Pff... Don’t care. Still have my 4-disc set that plays perfectly on my original PlayStation.

So on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this game?

I overlooked the author of this article before I started reading it, yet the entire time I was reading it I imagined your voice narrating it Mike. To me that shows talent. You are a true inspiration sir. Yes I have been drinking, and no that hasn’t clouded my judgement. Please keep up the good work, and thank you for

Are the graphics really that bad? I don’t find anything wrong with them. I enjoy the vibrant colors.


I was hoping slot five would have read, “And You!” :(

When the term “episodic” is used in correlation with games today, people’s minds immediately float to something akin to what TellTale does with their games, or the most recent King’s Quest, and that sets expectations incredibly low.

So is it a console game first and foremost or a re-skin of a portable game that insult your intelligence because adapting puzzle meant to be drawning challenge into “pick the right spell from the list” challenge doesn’t really work? Yes drippy, I wonder how exactly I’ll open that lock door 2 min after receiving the

Tie Fighter is my favourite. But my friend thinks Rebelion was the best Star Wars game so far. :)