
Seems inconsistent you would conjure up memories of beating emerald weapon and then say you hated the gameplay. For most, I’m guessing dislike of the gameplay and pacing is just code for hating random encounters.

Somebody else mentioned it in the comments but I’ll reiterate that turned based battle are very much alive

Now playing

I’m happy for you and imma let you finish but Final Fantasy Tactics had one of the best soundtracks of all time. OF ALL TIME.

That’s like every Double XP comic. That’s why they’re my favorite.

I’m not sure I see the same thing. The criticism has gone well beyond “equal representation.” I would say on all sides of the issue there’s been a considerable amount of ad hominem. That’s why everyone overreacts.

Seems to me that this conflict is perpetuated by those who are benefiting from it. Whether for money or

Tough but fair.

I knew you’d be here.

It was the music for me, I caught it immediately from there.

You typed this up fast, damn.

I seriously had to stop watching Reggie play smash brothers. He’s not even recovering... like at all.

Given the positioning... gay necrophilia?

But don’t turn your back you stupid science world.

This is reaching for the telephone

Bob Hoskins Mario with the super scope.

The best FF game of all time, FF VI(not up for debate) had a female protagonist. Maybe even two if you consider Celes the protagonist of the second half of the game. Who wrote that story btw? :P
FF X-2 had an ALL female cast.
And of course FF XIII had 3 (count ‘em) 3 games with a female as the lead character.
Then of

Yes it is news, but it just sounds so goofy.
Why is this so important to everyone? I mean this series has always given plenty of equal treatment, so why worry about it. I’m sure they’ll be plenty of characters to get to know in this game and hey if your demo isn’t rep’d this time around well I’m sure it

Choosing to have Frog duel and kill Magus in my first play through... and not looking back.

People will be able to make and play any game they want.
This critic will say whatever she wants.
Life will go on...

You don't like what she says? Stop clicking. Stop commenting, but
I know, I know
You can't help it.

You know you're not sexist, so does your girlfriend, so do your friends. Isn't that enough? People giving