

1. Yes they are :P
2. Yes, but still: developers from Bioware who made Old Republic = PC core fan base
3. There's no argument here about the potential quality of the game just the fan base and their preferred platform. You say it doesn't matter; I say it does. I'd be very interested to see FFT WOL sales on iphone versus

Don't even get me started on Bio shock. Do you murder the child for more power?
Hmm, gee, let me think. No room for grey in that guy.

I know! I think it is! He's still doing it!

Now playing

Wait is that the dude from Confessions of a Superhero?

I'm going to be honest... my interest and excitement waned when I saw "PC, Linux, and Mac platforms as well as Windows Tablets."

I don't know... I just don't see fans of FF Tactics and Vagrant Story as big PC gamers. "Hey I don't fit that definition". Oh sorry guy that posts PC master race images on every story

So another lackluster morality system cause people would be too stupid to get it. Are you sure? Sounds uninspired to me.

As long as the measurement range is between Evil and Good you'll never have a game that truly allows people to express themselves with their choices.

Of course these games may not just be for me. Even

OH WOW Chrono Trigger cover this is going to be... oh it's progressive metal... um... good job guy.

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Awesome video.

My one critique... (just cause I was really looking forward to hearing the music)
Being the guy that has all the original SNES sound tracks (that's my qualification), I just thought the sound and music was a bit too bad on purpose. They had some really decent synth in FF VI. I would have done that a bit

So can I...

I'm with ShadowflareXIII

You forgot to mention the story. A near perfect socio-political epic that didn't hand hold the audience with how to feel or what to think. And characters that didn't need bullet time and "bad ass" ham dialog to be noticed.

Here was a game that spawned an endless debate between my friends and I about who the real hero

He's not wrong folks.

Wait... he did it in perl?

No man we gotta fix everyone.