
Having been on the other side of this situation, I think this attitude of "bio-moms are bad moms" is incredibly cruel to everyone.

I wish HBC's outfits counted as "business casual", because this is how I want to dress every day.

This is really interesting to me because, although I'm not a science lady, I am a Canadian lady who moves often. Most recently, I moved to Calgary last fall without a job (or even an idea what career I wanted), and now that I enjoy my job and am planning to go back to school, my biggest concern is, if my wanderlust

I only got through the first half season or so; I had to skip my second year human rights lecture to spend Wednesdays on my best friend's couch (he would make vegan chilli and let me smoke in the apartment and abuse his cable). I eventually (momentarily) decided that class was more important and gave up on our young

Jorma directed?! YAY!

I'm the favourite (and only) child of my mom's first marriage, and obviously (to me) not my stepdad's favourite, and I'm ok with that.