
The movie includes a scene where her very conventionally attractive friend has a meltdown about how she is also insecure about her looks. They’re trying to make the point that a lot of women, regardless of what they look like, are so terribly insecure and hate their bodies for no reason. Clearly, Schumer has struggled

The thing that bothers me about this movie is that Amy’s character views herself as “fat” and “not fit”, in the trailer during the bikini contest she has a fit stomach, It’s flat and Inthink she may even have a two pack, no she’s not a size 2 but she actually has a very fit body, and viewers are supposed to view her

Objectively, Amy is skinnier and fitter than most American women her age. It feels a little surreal thinking of this movie as empowering, when much of its target audience dreams of looking like Amy.

It always really annoys me when I go to a conference and listen to a speech given by a women and she mentions being a mom first. I want to hear about her professional achievements not her personal ones. It always feels like they must couch their expertise or professional achievements with personal ones.

That’s especially shameful on the school’s part: “Be civically engaged, but only in ways that let us use you! Expressions of agency are Not Allowed!”

It’s hard to coexist with folks who think the universe was created in 6 days but any new gun legislation is moving too fast.

This is ANOTHER of the many, many developments that makes me seriously appreciate menopause.

Republican candidates across the U.S. are promising to prosecute women who obtain abortions.

Oh my god, a photograph of them together! It’s the smoking gun! If people are photographed together they’re obviously exactly the same! Roosevelt and Churchill were Communists!

Yeah rich white people all hang out in the same places together how is this news to you?

I can see why a woman wouldn’t be able to hit a ball as hard or as far as a man. If size and brute strength weren’t useful for baseball, you wouldn’t see ‘roided up guys with no necks out there. But I do see how a woman can be competitive in baseball with men, since knocking the cover off the ball or throwing it 150

No, I really don’t. There’s a limited distance they have to run. And I’m quite certain Serena Williams can hit a ball as hard as most men.

Eine Klein Chinmusik

Arrest and charge the coaches involved: conspiracy to commit assault and anything else the D.A. can think of. And there should be sentencing enhancements because the target was a minor child.

Their bosoms crowd the plate and shrink the strike zone.

I think the second part is worse, actually, because it means they have no clue that the first part is wrong.

Just as a general rule of thumb, it seems like anytime you find yourself conspiring to intimidate an 11-year-old it might be time to take a step back and re-evaluate. Maybe take a vacation.

by another pair of coaches who were present at the meeting and were troubled by what they heard.

Not sure which is worse - scheming to bean this kid until she quits or the fact that they discussed it within earshot of other people like it was totally normal. (alright, the first part is worse)

Please rectify the headline. It should read New Hampshire Human Excrement.