
Ugh, my mother says that. To this day. In front of me.

I’m 30.

To me, their opinion is valuable precisely because they don’t have any credentials attached.

I have an unreasonable desire to call my hypothetical daughter “Lizard” if we name her Elizabeth. That is, only if she likes it.

My mom does this all the time. I created a monster ...

Elizabeth and Hannah are on our short list of girls names. :D

Truly, that is the only acceptable spelling of the array of instruments. :)

Oh I do so love seeing this shit coming from my hometown. :(

Have you been to Minnesota?

Having worked in retail before, that shit shows up in July, it just sits in the back for a few months first.

The daddy/daughter/little girl/baby girl element is the part of the whole thing that makes me want to barf. So there’s this creeptastic uneven power dynamic coupled with an ownership dynmaic. When I read “Daughter Daycare” or the other signs that refer to daughters/dads, all I can hear is, “Okay Dad, you owned her for

Nope, but now that you’ve said it, I feel dumb for not having thought of it on my own.

I read the whole article and so much of it got me creeped out that I totally forgot I’d read that sentence! YES. And /barf on use of the word “girl” instead of “woman”. ARGH!

How he talks about the behavior of the women on the site throws up all sorts of red flags.

I’m 99% positive that she would then suggest either divorce or open marriage and he’s totes not cool with her having sex with anybody else. He sounds like a control freak.

Or he’s just completely ignoring the fact that the U.S. has repeatedly, decade after decade, caused the power vacuums in this region.

I’ve taken multiple “house tests” and always end up being allowed to choose between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. I usually go with Gryffindor. I don’t know why.

I was basically Hermione Granger in school, so yap, I get it.

I had an eclectic mix of friends from all sorts of your stereotypical high school groups (nerds, band geeks, jocks, artists, preps, and pot heads). But we were all the super over-achiever types (yes even the pot heads), all on honor roll and took AP classes. I think most of us graduated with 3.8+ GPAs. Yes, anecdotes

All of this. I came down here to post something similar. Agreed, entirely.

Omg, I’m crying. 8% in Minnesota! Woooooh!